
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Let's Go Girl!

It all started with a bike - a Giant Avail that I named Peaches.

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I had told Mark that I wanted her. No. I needed her because 2014 was going to be the year of the triathlon.

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I spent hours riding on her this winter, set up on the trainer in the basement, to get myself ready. I even got myself to the pool to swim laps ... once. But without a race on the calendar, my motivation was as lukewarm as the YMCA pool.

It wasn't for a lack of good intentions or searching. I browsed the local tri group's page and Trifind but nothing seemed to fit. I even started to fill out the registration for a local series but the thought of a triathlon in Indiana in April seemed like a less than ideal first race. Others that were later in the season conflicted with travel plans and other life things.

I was beginning to feel guilty for, well, guilting Mark into buying a road bike for me when just the right opportunity came along.

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I am excited to announce that I am ambassador for the women-only race, which will be Aug. 23 at Eagle Creek State Park. The USAT-sanctioned event includes a 500-meter swim, 10-mile bike and 3-mile run, which I think is perfect for my first foray into a multi-sport event. 

The event is managed by Tuxedo Brothers (follow them on Facebook and Twitter) and benefits The Julian Center, which provides services to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence and other life crises.

With the race a little more than six weeks away, you can assume that my pool trips will be a little more frequent.

Triathlon vets: Any tips for me? And who wants to join me?!?

Disclosure: I approached Tuxedo Brothers about becoming an ambassador for the race, providing blog posts before and after the race in exchange for a comped entry. I am not being compensated in any way, and all opinions are my own.


  1. Biggest tip I have after my first: the swim is a whole new creature when there are other people swimming next to you. Also, it helps that you're actually training for the swim, instead of a single hotel pool swim the week before like some moron I know... :)
    Make a race friend that morning, too- find someone who looks like they know what they're doing and ask them any last minute questions.
    If you have any shoes with velcro or lock laces, use them.
    Have fun!!!!

  2. i did this race last year! Might/might not do it this year. Tux bros have pretty good races.

    My tip (passed on from my tri coach) is to put your bike into a gear to climb the hill out of transition. It's not super steep, but it is a hill and warrants not struggling to find the right gear while your legs still feel water logged.

  3. Way to take the bull by the horns and tri already! I've got absolutely no tips for you, as you probably know, but I'm living vicariously thru you.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I bring two towels... one to lay on the ground and wipe my feet with, and one bright colored one to drop over the top of my bike. It helps me spot my bike as soon as I enter transition, instead of running around trying to find my rack. That, and I can wipe my face with it once I get there. I toss it over the rack when I leave so I know where I come back to. Good luck! I have a race in 2.5 weeks and I haven't started training yet. Eek!

  6. Fantastic!! Ironically enough I didn't notice when you talked about your road bike but I just bought a Giant Avail as well. I'm currently just using it to commute to work a few days a week but I have dreams of trying a TRI. My only tip would be to read Swim Bike Mom's book about TRI's. I read it and LOVED LOVED LOVED it. Easy read, I devoured it. And some really good beginner information.

  7. So glad you signed up to do this race! Brooke really wanted to do this with her sisters because she loves open water swimming. When she was still in high school she placed 10th in the state in the open water championships. Kym still holds the pool record set in 2001 at her high school in the 500 free swimming it in under 5 minutes. I would love to do a tri but I'm afraid the swimming portion would be my big setback. This race looks like it will be a lot of fun plus it's for a good cause to boot.

  8. Good luck at your first tri! I bet it will be a lot of fun!

  9. Yay!!! You are going to do great!! Beware: it all starts with your first triathlon. Be prepared to get addicted! Make sure you practice in open water before the race!! ;)
