
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Hate Read: Least Favorite Running Gear

Want to know what I love?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

We, as bloggers, love to share the things we like so others can buy them, especially if said things are ones we got for free. After all, if you buy them, then it justifies the fact that we got them for free. But, rarely do we talk about the things we don't like. The running gear that just isn't worth it - even if it were free.

While I haven't been sent something lately to even consider hating, there are a few things that I've purchased that don't just cut the Body Glide.

Gu Roctane. I'm fairly certain that I'm moving away from Gu entirely (though that is a potential post for a future date on which you might care) but even if I was downing gels, I would not be taking Roctane. The line from Gu Energy is an advanced formula to give endurance athletes an edge. The gels are supposed to reduce muscle damage, slow acid build up, maintain concentration and increase rate at which carbohydrates are converted to energy. The only thing the Roctane gels do for me, though, is make me feel sick to my stomach and give me that "I had to many cocktails" taste in my mouth.

Large handhelds. It can be nice on these hot, humid summer days to have a large quantity of water at the ready. Even shorter runs, during which a runner might not wear a belt or vest, 16 ounces or more of water could be required, leaving a person to grab a handheld. There are a number of bottles on the market that are 20 ounces, 22 - even 24. When these bottles are full, though, they become heavy and can overfatigue the shoulders and cause tightness, soreness and altered gait. After all, you aren't going to run with 2-pound weights in your hands. A better option is to do a loop route with a bottle at a safe spot, plan around drinking fountains or take a belt with just one or two bottles.

Running skirts. They are cute and everyone raves about them. But, for my shorts eating thighs, running skirts always manage to rub me the wrong way. Don't get me wrong - I've tried to love them, especially as my BFF got me a very cute one to wear when we did Rock 'n' Roll New Orleans. Not one to let good running clothes go to waste, I put it on - and still do - but almost always save it for short runs. Otherwise I'm testing the limits of public decency and my pain threshold.


  1. I do the large hand helds and the skirts, Have you tried Lululemon skirts? Or Athleta too. They have the grippies on the shorts under the skirt and don't move when you run. The hand helds I just get used to. I find it worse when I don't have something to drink when I need a drink. My run goes south from there.

    1. I was looking at the skirts at lululemon when I was in Boulder but didn't bite the bullet. Mostly because I couldn't find one on sale. I do have some Old Navy rewards, which I think I can use at Athleta. I should look into it.

      I've been wearing my pack for water, which solves the larger quantity thing. I like it a bit better having hands free.

  2. This truly shows that we are all unique as the things you called out are 3 of my faves. I wish I could find a handheld bigger than 24 oz.

  3. I need to wakeup. At first glance, I though I read, "large headbands" and not "large handhelds"lol! I've never tried roctane but I am on board with your other two grievances. I agree skirts are cute in theory but I can't pull it off for an everyday run. It is something saved for special (short distance) occasions.

  4. Roctane is the only thing (besides bananas) that has ever caused me to throw up mid-run. I can eat beef jerky, cheetos, 'tato chips, milk, pizza, just about anything except roctane (and bananas... bananas are only safe if I'm not mid-exercise!).

    1. Woo hoo! I am not alone. I just can't do the roctanes. I've also had trouble with the PowerBar gels. I can't even stomach a sip of them. BUT, did you see 3RRC has root beer gu?

      P.S. I love your chicken scratch. Thanks!

  5. I have heard another friend say that Roctane bothered their stomach! I'd still like to try one at one point, though. I notice the ones with LOTS of caffeine help me, but don't care for many of those flavors. Maybe Roctane has more caffeine.

    Yeah, no short shorts or skirts for me! :)

  6. All gu I've tried upsets my stomach, so I've stopped trying them. I stick to chews/beans etc.
    I loath my hand held, but HATE belts, so summer months I usually stuck with it for longer runs. I do like skirts, and shorts, and have no real preference.

  7. Funny!!! I use Gu as my #1 for running nutrition. I do like the cherry limeade Roctane but I don't use it because it is "better" than the regular. I just like the flavor. Plus it is more expensive. Stupid!
    I am with you on not liking the hand-held and the skirts!!!

  8. I gotta say that Roctane is my secret weapon. I use them late in a race for a boost and they pretty much always work for me.

    As someone who runs hot, skirts = one extra layer of fabric I don't need. (However, calf compression sleeves are worth it, even on a blistering hot day).

    16 oz is enough for a handheld for me, but why doesn't someone make one with bigger pockets? If I could jam in 4 gels instead of 2 (or 2 bars instead of one) I would use them for longer runs. As it is, for anything more than about 2.5 hours, it's always a pack for me. (Not sure what I'll do for my fall road marathon!)

  9. Roctane is the only gel that I will NEVER try again. My stomach was in knots for hours after my run and I can usually eat things that most can't without problems.
