
Monday, June 23, 2014

Weekly Training Update: 6/16-6/22

"It's not your workout. It's not about you."

If the presenter stressed one thing during the HIIT and Tabata workshop on Sunday, it was that interval classes are meant to be coached rather than 100 percent instructor led/modeled. She said that there was no way that an instructor can go all out in a class and still be an effective and safe leader.

I nodded my head. Many, many times. If there was anything I needed to hear, it was that.

I struggled this past week with how to balance my class load with my own workouts and running. My new session of boot camp (email me if you are local and interested) includes two mornings and one evening. I also have two classes at the Y on Thursday - another boot camp and Ripped. Coming from an instructor-driven group exercise background with Bodypump, it's hard for me not to participate with the students. I want to work hard so they can aspire to work hard and, I'll admit, having the pressure of leading pushes me past my limits.

But five classes is a lot in a week - for anyone. Factor in four days of running, and it's a bit crazy. On Friday, a rest day (thank God), I was so sore that I was walking around as if I had ran a marathon the day before. I shuffled through 10 miles on Saturday, wondering how on earth I was going to do it. And, on Sunday, I almost felt looser and more rested after the long run.

The challenge will be figuring out how I most enjoy leading without killing myself. I like participating but I need to take care of me, especially this week as I'll be running ZOOMA Napa Valley on Saturday. I have to be my best me so I can be a better instructor.

My new love-to-hate exercise that I learned at training. I need some more practice before adding it to class.

The week, in training:

Monday, June 16
Programmed for shorter 10-minute bouts and included a few games - like Musical Mats. Last one in gets to do burpees.

Tuesday, June 17
RUN | 3 miles    
Time: 27:02     Pace: 9:00
A family run. I pushed the BOB for the first half and then Mark took over.


Wednesday, June 18
Four stations: cardio, lower body, upper body and core. One minute at each.

RUN | 5.53 miles 
Time: 49:24     Pace: 8:55
This run was not my run. Mark and I had some differing opinions, and I left a bit disgruntled to hit the Y for intervals. I get there and all of the treadmills are out of service. I almost skipped the run but headed outside without a watch in the oppressive humid conditions. I timed the run with my phone but had some user issues because why wouldn't I. The run was saved by texts from one of my favorite people. Luckily, I managed not to drown in my own perspiration and not sweat off what remains of my chesticles.

Thursday, June 19
RUN | 4.04 miles
Time: 38:18     Pace: 9:28
I had grand plans that I was going to run closer to 6 miles this morning but the soreness in my legs dictated otherwise. Joe was kind enough to oblige me in the slow and easy category, which made the run feel quite nice, and left us with negative splits.

CROSS TRAINING | Y boot camp + Ripped
Boot camp worked off a four-exercise format with each round incorporating a cardio, lower body, upper body and core exercise.

Friday, June 20

Saturday, June 21 
RUN | 7.5 miles
Time: 1:08:10     Pace: 9:05
When you miss an interval workout, it only makes sense to pair it with long run. Two birds, one stone? 3.5-mile warmup then 8 x 2 minutes w/2-minute recovery. My legs were not feeling it from the start, and I was sure I wouldn't finish the intervals. Thankfully, my husband pulled me through. Our pace wasn't as strong or consistent as a couple weeks ago but I did get it done. Interval paces: 7:57, 7:56, 8:03, 7:37 (talked to runner passing by), 7:52, 8:04, 7:47, 8:21 (shitty hill)

RUN | 2.6 miles
Time: 24:30     Pace: 9:26
I forgot how hard doubles are! I had plans to meet a moms group at the park but it was a cluster. I decided to still run and do 2.5 to hit 10 for the day. It was a bit rough with the stroller in the beginning but hit a groove. It must have been the "Wheels on the Bus" album.

Sunday, June 22
CROSS TRAINING | HIIT and Tabata workshop 
During the training, we did two different workouts - one about 15 minutes, the other closer to 30 minutes. The first was a rest-based training workout, and the other incorporated Tabata, anaerobic intervals and high intensity interval training. A lot of the exercises were basic but challenging, and I had to get over my avoidance of burpees.


  1. Reading your weekly training recaps make me feel so incredibly lazy! I'd be sore too. In fact, I'm sore just reading about it. Other than running and pushing nearly 50 lbs of kid plus 25 lbs of stroller up and down hills, I've been doing zero cross-training. I really need to get on that.

    Good luck in Napa! So jealous!

  2. That is an incredible amount of exercise! I'm sore just reading it. And "chesticles" made me laugh. If you want some extra, I've got plenty to spare.
