
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Weekly Training Update: 5/19-5/25

Solid. Week.

I mean, I got my workouts in, nailed my paces and got in some major miles on the bike.  I taught some tough classes, had quality time with my running buddies and didn't kill anyone with my bare torso.

And, really, that's all I have to say.

The week, in training:

Monday, May 19

Tuesday, May 20
RUN | 5.25 miles, 2 miles at tempo  
Time: 46:52     Pace:8:55
BOOM! 2-mile WU, 2 miles at tempo, CD. My goal was to stay controlled and focused during the tempo miles, and I did it. Splits were 8:30 and 8:18. There wasn't a point where I got down on myself or started looking for excuses to quit.

CROSS TRAINING | Cycle, 6 miles
Biked to the park, took a couple laps and went home.

Wednesday, May 21
CROSS TRAIN | Cycle, 6.75 miles
I'm pretty sure it took me longer to get the bike in and out of the car but who cares. It's so refreshing to get to ride outside. I squeezed this ride in between daycare dropoff and work, and I even wore my dress and sandals for it. Good thing I had my hybrid and not the road bike.

Bonus note: The bike kicked up some mud on the back of my dress, and I spent half the day looking like I had crapped my pants.

CROSS TRAINING | Outdoor boot camp
We did 5-4-3-2-1 workout, with five rounds of three exercises. We did five sets of the first round, four of the second, etc. The bugs were out in full force, and it was pretty gnarly.

Thursday, May 22
RUN | 4 miles
Time: 35:44     Pace: 8:55
Back at it with Joe. I was glad to keep a strong pace for most of the run, though I did request a stretch halfway. I sort of hate doing that with a group though I have no problem doing it on my own. Weird.

I decided to kill the rumors and do lunges rather than squats.

Friday, May 23
RUN | 5 miles
Time: 46:36     Pace: 9:20
A great run with Tami. I feel so bad that every time I meet her, my legs are dead but I am loving these early morning outings.

Saturday, May 24
RUN | 10 miles
Time: 1:32:30     Pace: 9:15
Double digits. FINALLY! I ran the first 5 with two of the gals and then we joined a bigger group for 5 more. We went out pretty strong as we discovered the more we talk the faster we run. I was a bit concerned about what that would mean for the second half but Joe paced us at a more manageable speed. It still didn't feel great but it went by quickly.

Sunday, May 25
CROSS TRAIN | Cycle, 17.87 miles
Time: 1:36:12     Pace: 11.1 mph
Mark and I had a kid-free morning so we decided to go for a long ride. We decided to ride downtown and do the Fort4Fitness course, which offered a nice preview/review of what we'll have to look forward to ROCKING in September. We haven't gotten my bike off the trainer so I was on the hybrid, hence the slower speed.

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