
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Weekly Training Update: 4/14-4-20

Ah, the week after a race. There is just nothing like it.

You have a couple more rest days than usual. You not only have permission but are required to scale back workouts. You don't have to stick to a schedule or training regimen.

You can just run. To run. For joy. I guess that's what you should do all the time but you know what I mean.

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Surprisingly, my legs were fine maintaining a decent (for me) pace and there was little soreness after Monday or Tuesday. More than anything, I think my mind appreciated the step back and relaxed approach to exercise. There was no pressure to hit certain paces and no difficult workout hanging over the morning.

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Monday, April 14

Tuesday, April 15
CROSS TRAINING | Indoor Trainer + weights
I do not remember this ride at all but according to Daily Mile, I rode 10.17 miles in 40 minutes. I also did an upper body-focused weight session. I used a set of 15-pound dumbbells and did super sets that included bicep curls, hammer curls, overhead press, overhead extensions, bent-over rows and upright rows. I switched to 8-pound weights for lateral and side raises. For kicks and giggles, I threw in some push-ups and tricep dips.

Wednesday, April 16
RUN | 3.15 miles
I did the early drop of at daycare and headed out for a run through a neighborhood east of downtown. It was CHILLY that morning, with a temperature below 30, and I had to go for the capri + Pro Compression sock combo since I packed all of my tights.

Thursday, April 17
RUN | 4.17 miles
Birthday miles. They were great.

Class at the Y was fun this week. My regulars were there with a couple newbies, and everyone seemed to have a good time. I also took sick pride in lifting more than boys for shoulders.

Friday, April 18
RUN | 5 miles
I met Joe for some early morning miles. I was feeling tired after running the two previous days and Ripped, and I was hoping we'd take it easy. It wasn't too bad the first mile but Joe began pushing the pace - not enough that it was uncomfortable but just enough that I had to work. He was so sneaky!

Saturday, April 19
CROSS TRAINING | Y Cycle class
I felt so bad for the instructor during this class. He is recently certified and doesn't have a regular slot but rather subbing when needed. The step class before cycle ran over and then he couldn't get the sound system to work. I started spinning as he got some help, which allowed him to play the radio and then a random CD he found. It was fine - it was what it was - but it's hard to instruct a class when you planned intervals and climbs to certain songs. It's harder when you don't have experience under your belt. He did great, though, and eventually the wellness director stopped by and got it working. It was smooth riding (and instructing on his part) after that.

Sunday, April 20
REST | Active
I had initially hoped to run but with Sunday being a holiday and our overscheduled morning, I thought I'd take advantage of the recovery week and give myself a pass. As it turned out, we were still out moving. Wielding axes and shovels, Mark and I finally demolished the two honeysuckle bushes that have plagued our yard for three years. We also rode our bikes to the park (2.25 miles each way) so Miles could play.

And, most importantly, I experienced minor success on the monkey bars for the first time.


  1. Mmmmm I could use a recovery week about now.

  2. Aww, man! I feel bad for that instructor! Good for him for making the best of it until they got it to work!

    Nice work on the monkey bars! That is one of the challenges at the Spartan I did!
