
Friday, April 11, 2014

The Power Lunch {aka Get Shit Done Hour}

I have a sourdough starter.
It's revolutionary, I know, and incredibly sexy. You have to feed it and love it. You have to make sure it's still alive, not too hot or too cold. You have to let it out every once in a while and play with it. Really, it's a lot like a dog - except that you get to eat bread at the end or give it away to people who like bread, which makes people think you are a nice. A dog just craps on the floor and stares at you.

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But, back to the bread.

I had to go home at lunch this afternoon to manage the two batches of Extra-Tangy Sourdough Bread I had working. (See, just like a dog!) I had made the dough this morning, and I gave it the required four hours to "relax." I was on step 3, which required me to add additional flour, sugar and salt, and then move on to the kneading, step 4. As I am in the new school of bread making, I fully embrace the stand mixer for kneading. It saves my arm muscles for things like bicep curls and frees up my time for other things.

In the case of today, it allowed me to switch over laundry, put four pairs of dirty shoes in the washer (three pairs of my sneakers and Miles' Converse low tops), hide some Easter basket goodies from curious toddlers and prep dinner.

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Tonight, it's Meat and Grain Burgers from the Runner's World Cookbook. Mark had requested beef burgers so I bought a package of beef ... Laura's Lean Beef and decided to use that recipe, adding a whole bunch of stuff that I will not tell him about. Keep your fingers crossed that he does not read this before dinner. When I get home tonight, I just need to fire up the grill pan and spend 10 minutes in the kitchen before we can enjoy our first meal of the year al fresco.

In that hour I spent at home, which is about 10 minutes away from the office, I felt more accomplished than I have in a long time. Domestically speaking, of course. It was nice. It didn't hurt that it is a gorgeous day, and I got to feel the sun on my face as I drove and crack the kitchen window as I prepped.

Normally, I will spend the lunch hour working or going out to eat. Every few weeks, I might throw in a workout. I like the latter the most, followed by restaurants and then work. However, today's sense of "git-r-done" almost makes me want to try this once a week or so.

Then again, doing laundry might get old ... older than it already is. Let's make it every two weeks.

Tell me: How do you spend your lunch break?


During the month of April, Pro Compression is donating a portion of select product sales to Team in Training and Train 4 Autism.

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All Purple and Powder Blue products are 40 percent off, using code SOM4 at checkout. The code is also good on the new Red, White and Blue Stripe Marathon "Tube Sock." How cute would those be on Memorial Day or Fourth of July?

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