
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Outtakes from the week

Runner's trots ...

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I couldn't drink the two cups of chocolate milk fast enough after Sunday's race and, well, I got a little sloppy and spilled it on my medal. I had to laugh because it looked like the runner shit himself. It's the little things in life, people!

Refuel ...

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Alyse and I stopped at the cutest little bakery-cafe in Athens, and I managed to order something relatively healthy after the race (as opposed to my beloved post-race McDonald's fries). It was a vegetable frittata that had roasted carrots and kale. It was ah-mazing, and it made me excited that I have some kale in the raised bed. Assuming this week's snow didn't kill it.

Back at it ...

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I went for my first post-race run this morning, and it felt nice to shake out the legs. I haven't been incredibly sore but I have felt some tightness in my quads. I kept it to 3 miles around downtown, to test the legs and my breathing. I have had some sort of cold since Monday, which has been wonderful. Also great? The 27 degree weather this morning. I had on makeshift tights (Pro Compression socks + capris), a long-sleeve shirt, jacket, gloves and a beanie.

Note: The beanie is from Pearl Izumi, and I have been searching for it all winter. I finally found it this morning when I was unpacking summer running gear. Oh, the irony.

Save a horse, ride a general ...

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There was a little photo contest amongst the Nuun ambassadors, and we had to get a photo of our Nuun with a hometown landmark. I chose a statue of General "Mad" Anthony Wayne downtown with the hope that I could put the bottle in his hands. No such luck. He is too tall or I am too short ... or I'm too afraid of getting arrested.

Getting hot ...

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I finally figured out the trick to making hot chocolate with stevia and almond milk. You have to cook it on the stove! I spent the winter trying to do it in the microwave, and it was cup after cup of unpalatable sludge. Using the stove top gives the cocoa powder the chance to dissolve.

Glad I figured it out mid-April.


  1. I'm so glad you figured out the hot chocolate dilemma! I have been making it in the microwave too and it tastes awful! Can't wait to make it on the stove.

  2. Oh, so that is why that team is called the "Mad Ants". Guess I never got my Ft. Wayne history lesson!

    The spill on the medal is hilarious!

  3. So funny! I didn't even notice the milk on the medal. I had to go back and look at it!!
    Finally a winter beanie found and hot chocolate perfected! Right before summer!! :)

  4. That frittata. I haven't stopped since. I'm on my second 8x8 pan. hehe.

    Please never clean the "poo" off the medal.
