
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Weekly Training Update: 3/3-3/9

I'd like to think if you don't learn something new every day, you aren't really living. And this week, I learned the same is true for workouts. Each stint of exercise offers the opportunity to discover more about yourself, sport and the world.

Among this week's lessons:
  • If you spend the better part of 10 miles discussing how great the sun is with your running partners, there is a good chance you'll discover how great the sun is the next day. My Sunday long run in the sun, which started at 12:30 p.m., left me a little pink in the face despite the cold temps. Lesson learned: The sun's rays know no temperature. I need to wear my NAAWK for any outing when the sun is up.
  • Anytime you try a new exercise or workout, you will be sore - no matter how in shape you are. My triceps hurt for DAYS just by using a medium resistance band during my Thursday night session at the Y. I'm a little nervous to hear how the participants did.
  • I am most definitely a morning runner. I met Joe at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, and the perceived effort never matched the pace. A few days later, in the morning and feeling tired, I was far faster. 
  • I need to be more open about my weight-loss journey and understand that sharing it with others is not bragging. A woman was leaving the boot camp class, which precedes my strength class at the Y, and was winded and beat. She was embarking on her own journey and I could tell she needed some encouragement. Instead of letting her think I have it together, and always have, I told her that I remember where she was and that  if you stay committed, change can happen.
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Also, I reaffirmed that I have no shame. I totes took my new enso roller to the Y and rolled in the hallway before class.

The week, in workouts:

Monday, March 3

Tuesday, March 4
RUN | 4.01 miles
I met my buddy for a post-Miles bedtime run. The goal was 4 easy but my dinner sat heavy, and I was TIRED. I was so grateful for the company ... and his headlamp. It was very much necessary with small patches of ice. Bonus: I got to take Denali along as I was tackling a shorter distance.

Wednesday, March 5
RUN |   5.02 miles
The plan called for 6 x 2 minute hills but I find it's just easier to press the hill program button on the treadmill. I think I did a dozen or more climbs, each at a minute. It was tough but I did it. As I was leaving, my fan club of 1 at the Y (a very nice guy who walks on the treadmill) told me I did a nice job and was holding a good pace. I think I live for seeing him there on quality workout days.

Attendance was a bit better this week! I had a new-to-me participant, a returner and a couple of regulars. Trying to heed some advice from an instructor, I tried to be overly energetic and borderline fake. Get me some pom-poms because I'm about to be your cheerleader.

Thursday, March 6
CROSS TRAINING | Bands, balls and barre
I went through my demo workout for a class I'd really like to do at the Y. It's about low resistance and high reps using the stability balls and resistance band. We did some isometric holds and limited ROM exercises. It was lots of fun.

Friday, March 7
RUN | 6.75 miles, tempo intervals
Oh, how I dread tempos - and this one especially. It was my longest yet, with 4 x 1 miles at tempo with 0.25-mile recoveries. I was on the treadmill for this, and I just willed myself through it.  

Saturday, March 8
Good class. I tried to go a bit heavier on upper body, and it's fun to challenge myself. One of my regulars is a complete badass, and I continue to be inspired by the weight she lifts. I wanted to get in some cardio on Saturday but Mark was out and Miles didn't nap. We power shopped instead.

Sunday, March 9
RUN 10.04 miles
I met two of the mother runners in the run club for a much-needed afternoon run. We promised each other to keep the pace easy and focus on the miles. There was some success there as we had to walk a few sections of the trail that were still icy or unplowed but there were a few miles that were on the fast side. It felt good and fun.


  1. You're right, I think people do appreciate hearing that you have been in their shoes before on the weight loss journey. Sounds like a great week!

  2. Aren't resistance bands sneaky fabulous?! I love using them!

  3. Your week has been quite busy! Hope the training is going well for Athens! We will have to get together soon!

  4. Sounds like a GREAT week. I love that your shared your journey with someone who needed to hear it!

  5. Awesome solid week!! It is so funny that you say when you do a new exercise it will make you sore! Totally true! I started doing one strength day since I started this ironman cycle. 2ish months. But every Wednesday night my ass is sore from all of the squats and lunges! I thought oh yeah the first couple weeks but it still makes me sore. At least I feel like I am doing something...good!!! ;)
