
Thursday, March 20, 2014


... you just have to drink water out of a wine glass.

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Even if it's from the tap, the water is exponentially better and more sophisticated when it's in a red wine vessel. I often find myself rinsing out a glass from the night before and drinking a glass or two of H20 from it as I cook breakfast.

... you just have to know when to cut a workout short.

I had a 6-mile run with 4 miles at tempo, and I knew from the moment I stepped onto the treadmill that it wasn't my day. The YMCA was stifling - humid and hot - my favorite treadmill was taken and time was short. I got through the warm-up and 2.15 miles at tempo when I decided I was done. It was the first workout I've crapped out on in 9 weeks. and considering I've exceeded my goals on most other runs, I'm not fretting.

... you just have to eat cake.

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I know I gave up sweets for Lent but it's been a rough couple days - again. It's as if once I get myself to a good mental place, there's a push back down the dark hole. Anyway ... when my co-worker was inspired, by me, to make a cake and was then kind enough to bring me a slice, I couldn't say no. I savored every bite, slowly, and it might have been the best cake I ever had.

... you have to know when to ask for help.

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I've been struggling, this much I've shared. I've done my best to run through it, cry it out and vent to friends. It's helped but it has yet to bring me lasting peace or give me the tools to cope on my own. So, on Tuesday, I found myself making an appointment with a therapist. Thirty-six hours later, I feel a bit silly and I am struggling as to whether to keep it but it's still a step in the right direction.

... you just have to share the excitement.

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In the midst of all my troubles, I got an exciting email. I had won the giveaway from Run With Jess for the racecation to run ZOOMA Napa Valley. Holy. Shit. Balls. I was stunned. I've been pining to run a ZOOMA race, and I have never been to that area of California. Not to mention, my "celeb" crushes, mother runners Dimity and Sarah, will be there as will a couple of my Hood to Coast teammates.

I am beyond grateful to Run With Jess, ZOOMA and the sponsors of the giveaway for the chance to go.

Fill in the blank: Sometimes _____________.


Things to keep in mind ...

My Pro Compression giveaway. Enter HERE. You can save on socks with the code HS40 - 40 percent off and free shipping.

Nuun has a pretty awesome promotion right now. Get a free trucker hat with any purchase. I just placed my order for the Nuun Energy last week so I'll let you know the verdict in a wee bit.


  1. I was totally sad I did not win the Zooma race but got over it because it was you that one. I'm happy for you :)

  2. Holy shit balls is right! I'm so happy for you for winning. Also big squishy hugs for whatever is heavy in your heart.

  3. I am sorry that things are still not okay in your life; I really hope that talking with someone will help you through it. But congratulations on your win for that trip....that is a beautiful part of the country and I am sure you will have an awesome time!

  4. ...I get really proud of and happy for my friends.

    You deserve that Napa trip. I'm only sad that I'm not going with you. :)

    Therapy is good. Text therapy can only help so much haha! I'm proud of you for taking that step...I really am. I hope it helps you lots.

  5. I'm so happy you won!! You needed to catch a break! Now, if only I could figure out how to get myself into your suitcase...

  6. Good for you for making that appt with the therapist! I hope it's a good fit and you feel better after going! Therapy has helped me SO MUCH in the past!

    Congrats on winning the trip to Napa! You will have so much fun!

    Sometimes... I need to stop and see the big picture. (okay, okay, all the time)

  7. Congratulations on Napa. That's very cool!

    Keep your therapy appointment. Can't hurt, and for lots of people, it helps. If nothing else, it's an acknowledgement to yourself that this is something you are taking seriously, and taking steps to address.

  8. I have never regretted some quality time with a therapist. That said, I think Napa will be quite therapeutic for you! Enjoy!

  9. I am so excited you won this trip, and obviously insanely jealous! I can't wait to hear all about it. So, so deserved. xoxo

  10. Congratulations on winning the trip to Napa. I'm jealous!

  11. You will absolutely love running in that part of the country! Im so happy that you were selected to participate in the ZOOMA race! I had no idea that you have been struggling with some personal issues. I applaud you for taking the step and seeing a therapist. Sometimes we just need to talk to someone outside our circle of family and friends. They can see things from a different perspective. If there is anything that I can help with, please let me know. It sounds like this race came just at the perfect time! Hang in there Kim. It's spring which breathes new life into us. There's a new you waiting for her debut!

  12. Sometimes I need to take a nap!! I love naps. They are in the top 5 things that I like to do on the weekend!! :)
    Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!!!
    Congrats on Napa!! So exciting!!! I hope I can go to Napa also!! I am thinking about it!!! I am glad it is on Saturday because I might just be able to pull it off!!

  13. SOO pumped for you! I am trying to figure out if I can make it back down to run Napa. The biggest issue is that I have no vacation time (literally!) and so I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it with a Saturday AM race. But anyway -- congrats on getting to take this amazing trip!
