
Monday, March 3, 2014

Runners, gear up: New and noteworthy for March

It's March. A new month. A new start. And renewed hope that there will be many dry pavement miles ahead.

To make those miles go by a little better, a little faster {or suck a little less, if winter never ends}, there's a few new products available to runners.

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Nuun Energy. This new product launches today launched at, and it comes in three flavors - wild berry, cherry limeade and lemon lime. What is Nuun Energy? Just like other Nuun products, Energy is an effervescent tablet, but it is enhanced with caffeine and B vitamins. It has the same electrolyte properties as Nuun Active Hydration and uses a unique blend of B vitamins for energy metabolism and caffeine for increased endurance output/cognition.

I have not had a chance to try this tab yet but I'm excited as I have been wanting something to drink pre-workout. I was entertaining Advocare Spark or E-Boost but think this might fit my needs - with far fewer calories - if I ever get up at 4:30 a.m. to run. 

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Enso roller. It seemed like more than coincidence that I had been gazing at the enso Roller in a running magazine the same day I got an email from a PR team asking whether I wanted to try it. I sat on it for a few hours and then sent an enthusiastic reply. Yes, I did want to test it out.

The the ensō has eight discs of varying diameters that can be arranged to the users' preference, so the roller can conform and support to meet the demands of the user's body type or need. According to the website, the enso Roller elongates muscles, relaxes tight muscles and aids in breaking up scar tissue, increases circulation and flexibility.

It comes with a guide of arrangement suggestions based on what area one would like to target, which I found to be very helpful. I've used it several times thus far and though I'm not ready to offer a full review, I will say that I've benefited from being able to specifically target my glute medius and IT band, both areas sore from running in the snow.

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Shamrock socks. You've been waiting for these almost as much as you've been waiting for a shamrock shake - and these don't cost you two hours in the gym.

ProCompression's Shamrock Sock is out and ready for your St. Patrick's Day race. I'm not doing the 5 Kilt run here but ordered a pair anyway as I'll take any form of luck I can get these days. Use the code CLOVER to save 40 percent and get free shipping.

What running products have you discovered lately? 


  1. I can't wait to hear if you like the new Nuun. I tried the Cherry Limeade w/caffeine the first go round and it made me kind of sick to my stomach. Not sure why but it was a little harsh on my gut.

    That roller looks awesome in a very painful way. lol

  2. I had not heard of the new Nuun line. Yay!

  3. Since I'm an old geezer I'm all about B vitamins. The new Nuun sounds like a winner to me!

  4. The new roller looks interesting. I hope you do a review soon because my roller is shot and I've been looking to purchase a new one. I can't seem to figure out which one would be the best for my needs.

    Can't wait to try the new NUUN!

  5. I'm excited to try the Nuun energy too! Can't wait!

  6. I just ordered my Nuun energy!! Pumped + I got a new visor!!! :)

  7. In order to make your runs better and better your body should be able to perform its best. I have found a way to keep good shape without overtraining and without exhausting my body. Right nutrition is one of the key factors. Still, sometimes everyday meals can not provide all necessary nutrients. That is why I am taking nutritional supplements. As I am strongly opposed to all kinds of chemicals, I was looking for the natural supplement, consisting basically of vitamins. And I have found the one - Second Wind by Military Grade. This is new vegetarian post-workout supplement which increases muscles longevity and keeps me toned. This product helps muscles to recover quickly and reduces the soreness. It is available at amazon: h t t p ://
    Now I always feel prepared for my best runs.
