
Monday, March 17, 2014

PRO Compression Socks: A day in the life {+ giveaway}

It's been nearly four years since I first put a compression sock on these legs of mine. Let me tell you, I haven't looked back.

Of course, things have changed - once wearing them for just recovery to now becoming head-over-heels in love, sporting whenever I need support, a fashion statement or a little hug as I say.

So I present to you a day in the life of my PRO Compression socks.

 photo C94078F3-DDFE-42A2-AFDB-6F0B8A6DA36C_zps3kodmlls.jpg

From top left ...

{a} It's a sad lonely life for this Retro Marathon Sock. It's spent the better part of a week separated from its friends, sitting on the dresser until its mate can be found.

{b} Oh, there you are, Ninja Sock! In the basement with the "whites" and not "athletic wear." Let's wash you so you can get some fresh air today.

{c} Reunited and it feels so good.

{d} On the legs and ready to go. Twelve miles are on tap, and the weather is a bit chilly. It's not just about fashion or little hugs but keeping those legs warm underneath the tights.

{e} I decided to warm up on the bike before meeting my friends at the Greenway.

{not pictured} A fairly miserable run that had us running into 23 mph winds and, despite our best efforts, into some stretches of icy or impassable trail. The post-run photo was bypassed for warm cars and coffee.

{f} Marathon socks - and the rest of the clothes - are stripped almost immediately upon entering the house. Mark and Miles aren't home, which means I can come to temperature in a hot bath by myself.

{g} Like magic, a clean and matched pair of PRO Compression socks are on the bed and ready to help me recover.

{h} Five minutes later, I managed one sock onto my hot swollen legs.

{i} "Rewaxing" on the chair as Miles watches "SpongeBob SquarePants." I might have come very close to taking a nap.

{not pictured} Cooking, eating and watching TV in my socks.

{Caught on video} Doing "weighted" push-ups in my PRO Compression socks.

{not pictured} Going to bed in my socks and subsequently taking them off at 11:30 p.m when I went to the bathroom. It was getting hot.

Want to spend a day with PRO Compression socks of your own?  Using the widget below, enter to win one pair of marathon socks or sleeves. If you can't wait to snag a pair, use code HS40 {hello, lover} to save 40 percent off. shipping is free.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Fine print: This giveaway is open to residents of United States. It begins on 3/17/14 and ends on 3/25/14; the winner will be announced on 3/26/14. The prize and value prize is subject to stock available entry. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Void where prohibited by law. I am a PRO Compression ambassador and receive free and discounted products through the program. However, I was not compensated for this review and all socks were acquired before I was accepted to the program.


  1. Cool socks! I have the neon pink ones and the purple sleeves. Love the colors! I like how the sleeves can "hide" under my work clothes. I sometimes wear them all day at work.

    1. I sneak sleeves to work, too. I also like them during the summer as they work well with my cheap a$$ Old Navy flip flops.

  2. I would spend the day running around town. I wear compression for every single long run. It's a must.

  3. I've never worn compression socks but now that I'm ramping up the training in prep for my first ultra I think it might be about time!

    1. How exciting. Good luck with your ultra! Compression, I'm sure would be good for that.

  4. Running and recovering from my first half marathon!! I've been thinking about getting a pair since I'll be spending the day after the half in the car traveling home.

    1. I hope you are enjoying your training thus far and are looking forward to the race. Remember to soak it in! Compression is a great idea for a drive home after a race - you want the blood flowing in those legs.

  5. I'm at the tail end of a half marathon training session, so I would use these all day on long run day. Also, I like to wear them on a run with shorts when it's above 30 in Michigan, I'm so done with running in pants.

    1. Sing it sister. If I wouldn't need them next year, I'd probably throw my tights away I'm so tired of looking at them.

  6. I'm training for my first full marathon, so I would use them DURING my long runs, AFTER my long runs, and ALL DAY LONG!! :)

    1. Yep. Pretty much. Enjoy your first full! There's nothing quite like it.

  7. I would enjoy trying them out for the first time--never worn compression socks before!

  8. Running or traveling!! I travel a lot for work and these socks have helped so much on those long flights!

  9. I love wearing my compression socks on or after long runs. Or sometimes just for some extra warmth on a chilly day. :)

    1. I want to smirk at your chilly days but I'll be nice ;) You might need them for your next adventure!

  10. I would wear them on my run, then after, all day cause they are awesome looking. #swag, lol

    1. They are pretty sweet looking. I love when function meets fashion ... or gives me a reason to dress offensively bright.

  11. I wear them on the run, after the run and I'm sure my husband loves when I wear them to bed. So sexy ;)

    1. Ha! Compression socks are far sexier than flannel pajama pants. Right? Right!

  12. I love wearing mine after a long run or just when I have really tired legs! It's like an all day massage! :)

    1. I never likened it to a massage but you are right! Just don't tell my husband.

  13. I'd go for a nice long run in them!!! :) Thank you for the giveaway!

  14. Maybe having Miles sitting on my back would make me like pushups more :)

    I use them for recovery. I think I've only run in them once (because my feet are so janky, the foot part just doesn't work for me for running).

    1. Miles also likes to wash windows, floors and walls if you give him a dish wand. I might be able to put him in a FedEx box :)

  15. LOVE compression socks!!I tend to wear them even while not running.;)

  16. What a little monkey! I'd spend my day chillaxin in my dreams!

  17. I love mine! I feel like I wash them every other day so I can wear them more!

  18. Definitely wear them during and after a tough run!

  19. I've always wondered if compression socks are all they're hyped up to be. I have a different brand, and they're not that impressive, but after reading a lot of reviews like this, I wonder if it's just because I got cheapies. Anyway, I'd spend my day wearing compression socks to work (I'm on my feet all day) after a tough early-morning run!

  20. I would try actually running in them, not just recovering.

  21. Big Pro Compression fan! Love the socks. Even wore them this week flying. :)

  22. I have one pair of socks and I do really like them for post long runs and hard workouts!

  23. I would spend the day on a nice long run

  24. I'd spend the day running on the trails around town - showing off my new compression socks!

  25. i have several pairs of compression socks- i wear them to run in, not usually recovery (but that's because my mileage is extra LOW right now)

  26. I would spend a day wearing them on a long run and afterwards for recovery!

  27. I love compression socks! (Especially in bright colors!)

  28. a lot of your collection sock.. i`m never run so nothing one my collection sock :(

  29. my legs always swell, so i would wear them when walking :)

  30. I would try them out on a longer run, and I would wear them afterward (and a shower) to see how my legs felt.

  31. I have never tried any compression socks so I would love to try them out now that I am back to training for 2 half-marathons this summer.

  32. I wear them all of the time!! Love em!!!

  33. I would wear them all day after a long run!

  34. I mainly use my compression gear for recovery!

  35. My husband would wear them duiring his runs

  36. Love the day in the life! I have one lonely pair of PC socks... I could totally use another.

  37. I love Pro Compression socks! I want a pair of calf sleeves so I can kick off my shoes right after a race and still wear them with my flip flops.

  38. Since I sit at a desk all day, that's how I'd spend my day. But let me tell you, my legs feel so much better at the end of the day if I've had compression on!

  39. I bought my first pair a few weeks ago and love them for recovery after long runs! Now that my marathon is getting closer, my mileage is getting upped on weekday runs as well so I need another pair to wear during the day as recovery. They help my calves feel happy again!

  40. I have been LIVING in my socks all weekend. Knowing they're there for me helps me push a little farther on my long runs. :)

  41. I love my compression socks for runs and after runs!

  42. I am wearing a pair right now! I wear them to run and recover!

  43. I love compression socks for after long runs and long nights waiting tables. They help my legs recover from both!

  44. I would wear them during my long run and after for recovery!

  45. I already wear my compression socks everwhere but the problem is I only have one pair! If I had another I would happily wear them even more often. :-)
