
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday confessions

Blueberry cinnamon coffeecake is the devil. It's the only explanation that I can come up with as to why my grandma and I were able to polish one off in four days. And it's her fault - she bought it in honor of my visit.

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Sometimes playing cards with your grandma is more important than going to the gym. I had front-loaded my workouts last week so I could take Sunday as a rest day, and I planned to go to a late-night YMCA class on Monday. When my brother came down with a bug and couldn't sit with Miles, I used it as the perfect excuse to stay home. Grandma and I played cards and ate coffeecake. She won. I ate more coffeecake.

Trader Joe's might be overrated. Grandma, Miles and I trekked out to the Cincinnati Trader Joe's to explore and pick up Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies for Mark. They no longer carry the cookies, and I was underwhelmed with the lack of impulse purchases. I had set aside a big chunk of my grocery budget to have fun and could barely spend $20. Next visit, we're going to Jungle Jim's.

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I'm tired of eating out. Part of the fun of visiting my family is going to my hometown favorites. This trip included the low-key Price Hill Chili, Bier Haus and Ron's Roost. Even when trying to make the best choices, I know my calorie count those days was higher than it would be at home.

I don't always fight the good fight. Sometimes, it's easier (and more) fun to let your uncle treat your son to cake and french fries for lunch. Plus, a place called Bier Haus isn't expected to be known for its kid's menu.

Traveling with a toilet-training toddler is annoying. You work hard to get your child to go to the bathroom in the actual bathroom but having to stop four times in 150 miles is less than optimal. Good thing I drink enough coffee and Vitamin Water Zero to make best use of the stops.

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Sometimes you just have to laugh. Like, when you say that your son got to stand on the wing of your uncle's World War II fighter plane because, obviously, everyone's uncle has a fighter plane. Or not. My uncle just happens to collect odd things, and he found the {not really a} beauty on Craigslist and bought it. It now serves as a very expensive lawn ornament at his office and a great way to entertain toddlers. The  bonus: He also has a lot of heavy equipment for his business, and Miles got to sit in a real bulldozer and see a dump truck.

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Family - it is it. This trip was one of the longest Miles and I have had in Cincinnati, and I couldn't stop smiling. Even as he swung a foam battle axe at me, thanks to my brother's encouragment. It was so nice to see him enjoy his uncles and Grammy, and to see them enjoy him.


  1. Your potty training story reminds me of when Thing 1 was that age. We were in Hawaii of all places and when she had to go she'd say "Poopy's home!" We'd race her to where she needed to be and of course it would never 'be home". Drove us freaking bonkers. I've been eyeing coffee cakes lately. Let's keep it that way.

  2. What a fun trip!!!! So happy you enjoyed your family time!

    And I love that your uncle has that plane!

    My bestie is potty training her son now and telling me all about it! She is still in the "don't leave the house" phase though ;)

  3. how nice! what a great trip with family. it sounds like you had the best time. and recapped it so well ;)

  4. I made almond blueberry muffins today and ate one for dessert at lunch. On a day I'll be lucky to finish my workout because I feel like poo. Sometimes you just have to say WTH.

  5. Aww. Looks like he was enjoying himself!

    Every time we're in Louisville, I always say we need to make a trek to Cincinnati to go to Jungle Jim's. Is it as awesome as everyone says it is?
