
Monday, July 29, 2013

Cost analysis

Whoever said running is cheaper than therapy apparently didn't have insurance.

Mark and I had stopped by the running store on Friday night to pick up some salted caramel Gu. As I was paying for the packets of insane deliciousness, I spotted a sign promoting 15 percent off apparel with a shoe purchase. Me being me, I not-so-coyly pointed it out to Mark, who rolled his eyes, surely thinking it was my desire for all things bright and shiny motivating that look in my eyes.

Truth be told, though, I did/do need clothes and shoes.

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It seems like just yesterday that I switched to the Brooks Ravenna 4 but yesterday was April and nearly 350 miles ago. It's definitely time to consider new shoes, which retail for $110 (about five times more than a standard co-pay), as I came thisclose to my first 30-mile week of this cycle and many recommending two pairs of shoes for a relay like Hood to Coast.

And speaking of HTC, we are lucky enough to have some amazing sponsors beyond Nuun. Like Team Sparkle, which will be supplying skirts of the same name so that everyone in a 200-mile radius will see me coming. I'm ready to don it save for one thing: booty shorts. I currently have a singular pair of compression-like shorts that are three years old and have the elasticity of my 86-year-old grandma's skin (sorry, Grammy)!

I will run three legs, wearing the skirt for probably two, which means two new pairs of shorts. Or one if I'm being cheap. Sadly, I didn't fit into the teensy-tinsy Asics that were on clearance for $10 at 3RR. My favorites were the 4-inch Moving Comfort shorts, which retail for $30 (x2 = $60, three therapy sessions). They made my thighs look like crap but they felt nice and no one will see them anyway.

Oh, and of course, there are all the other costs of running - socks, bras, race entries, travel, Gu ($4.50 for the three I bought Friday, post-session latte) and the vast amount of food to satisfy the rungries.

Not that I'm complaining or looking for a handout (though, Brooks, if you'd like to send me new shoes, I'd gladly accept). Just merely pointing something out. Well, pointing out something that Mark pointed out. And, given my mental state of late, I'd probably go through four pairs of shoes worth of co-pay in therapy before I wore out one pair on the road. Thank goodness for Mark, I'd much rather run angry than lie on a couch and share my feelings.


  1. You need to buy Gu by the case, not by the individual packet!

  2. Sparkle skirts also look good with tight fitting capris! Might be better for a night time run :)

  3. It's true, it does add up quickly! I think Runner's World had an article recently about the cost of running over a person's lifetime. It was a HUGE number. Worth it though. :)

  4. I read that Runner's World article about how much it costs to run over the course of a lifetime, and I think I'll be in the vicinity of a really great condo when I finally hang up my Newtons.

    So cool that Team Sparkle is providing you with skirts. Love those sparkles.

  5. In my opinion, Oiselle Stride Shorts are hands down the best compression shorts I've ever had. I ran just about every race in them this year, and didn't have to adjust them once (even a sprint tri...)! 4", front zip pocket, simple and flattering. I bet MC shorts are very similar - I have their Endurance tights and wore them all winter, loving every mile in them!

  6. We won't add in the gas and snacks needed to get us to Columbus either. Running is freeeeeee!

  7. My favorite thing to wear under Team Sparkle skirts are lululemon run shorty shorts (I think they are discontinued but they've started making something similar) and the Brooks Epiphany Boy Shorts (they have several lengths). Both great under those skirts. Good luck with the wallet :)
