
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Three Things Thursday: Little things

1. Monday was a good day. A really good day. My boss returned from vacation, I discovered I won Karen's Spartan Race giveaway and I came home from work to discover a small package from my BFF.

I didn't have the greatest of weeks last week (see boss on vacation), and Pattie knew it. So she took the time to send me a "You're Awesome" box. Inside, I found a supply of Clif Shot Bloks to help me kick off marathon training come July and two pairs of Under Armor knee socks. The socks are offensively bright, which means that I lurve them. I wore them for BODYPUMP on Tuesday, and I felt so  legit.

I felt so lucky and loved that she thought of me and went out of her way to put together the gift. Especially since I just mailed a first birthday gift for my niece, who celebrated Mother's Day weekend.

2. Speaking of lucky, a few months ago I won a giveaway from my favorite local photographer, Kelly Benton, for a free portrait session. It took us three tries for it to come to fruition (dang weather) but Friday night, we met to capture Miles at 2 years.

From last summer's shoot on a near 100-degree day. 

This was our fifth portrait session with her, and each time she surprises me with what she's able to capture. She just posted the photos on her blog and ... let's just say ... wow.

3. I had a date today with a seriously handsome dude.

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Ah, the joys of being married to a teacher and the onset of summer!

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Mark joined me for Lunch on the Square, and I (finally!) got to partake in food truck goodness. We tried the chili cheese dog and the SnoopDog, as well as some potatoes and mocha Reese's ice cream. Indulgent and delicious.

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Sort of like spending time with my husband without the choir of donut and hot dog requests and the "I don't like it" refrain, with the two of us getting to talk about important things like ... uh ... hot dogs.

It really is the little things in life.


  1. Hooray for a date night, gifts, and 2 giveaway wins! I LOVE the pics of Miles!

  2. Aww! That is a fab pic of Miles!

  3. Loved the socks you wore to Body Pump. So colorful! Your outfit with the anchor pants is adorable. And speaking of adorable...Miles is so cute and photogenic. Loved all your family pictures. He is just so darn handsome. Those blue eyes will get the girls when he gets older.

  4. So fun and those hot dogs looks AMAZING. Hope they tasted as good as they looked! I can't believe Miles is already going to be 2.

  5. PS I am so excited to follow along with your NUUN HTC training. So freaking excited for you.
