
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Three Things Thursday: What's next

I've been in a funk. A horrible, no good, yell at people for no reason funk since the race on Saturday

I can attribute my mood, in part, to my lackluster performance but I know some of it is because I'm in such an odd holding pattern. I'm registered for my second full marathon, Veterans, on Nov. 9, and I have Hood to Coast to look forward, too. However, neither event requires an immediate start to training -- other than to not sit on my butt for the next eight weeks.

And so what's a mother runner to do?

1. Part of me seriously considered trying to find a redemption half in late May or early June but despite my best efforts (and those of some supportive gals), I couldn't find one that fit my schedule and didn't require overnight travel. There's the Sunburst races in South Bend and a random half in Kokomo that I'm not sure is chip timed. Sunburst would be the better option but is pricy for trying to correct a mistake, and the Kokomo course (out and back on a country road) and it's 400-runner max make me want to pull off my black toe nails.

Rather, I've set my sights on the Fort4Fitness half in September. I saw a FB post that if I volunteered at the spring cycle event, I would earn an entry to the fall race. It's smack dab in the midst of full training but the course holds my previous PR and one that I'm very familiar with. I'm not going into with it a specific goal but to test my fitness for Veterans. And to have fun. Plus, it's really a great local race that I've done for the past three years.

2. With all of those races going on, I'm weighing the benefits of having a coach or some kind of custom plan. It's not really in the budget but part of me wonders if it's what might get me over this hump. I also grew a pair and reached out to the running club, which sometimes feels a bit exclusive, to see whether there's a group that does regular speed work. I'm thinking the camaraderie and support could be beneficial.

3. I'm going to try to keep a decent base, especially in the long run department, to help make full training more seamless. The next two weeks will be easy and then I'll try to get in some double digit runs.

Bonus: Photos from Saturday's race.

The worst of the worst was posted on my Facebook page. Sharing it once was enough.

Coming tomorrow: My bestie is saving you all from my spew and wrote a recap of her first half marathon.


  1. I really wish I had unlimited free time and unlimited race budget. It would make stuff like this SO much easier. You could always come to MN with me :) :)

    I love your spew. Just sayin'.

  2. I just gotta say, I love that you posted your race pics. I think you are amazing, such a huge inspiration! Keep on spewing! ;)

  3. You look so determined and not denomic in your race pics! (that is a compliment, I swear)

    I used to have Chicago Runner Girl write a training program for me and she is quite reasonable. Let me know if you want her email if you decide you still want a coach!

  4. I think the F4F half is a perfect race for you! Like you said it will be on familiar ground and you've PR here before in both the 4 mile (right after baby) and in the half. If you go into it with no expectations that makes it a much more relaxed race and you will probably even PR.

  5. I meant to add to my previous comment that I love the shoes! Kym wore her new Ravenna's on Saturday as well. I wore my Asics Kayano 19 just because they have a little more padding and support for my poor old feet.

  6. Glad you decided on the September sounds like a good one!! :0) I hope the running group thing works out, too! I know what you mean about the cliques...I didn't make friends with my running group until about 6 months into it.

  7. Every time I do well in a half and even my PR was during a marathon training cycle! You might just surprise yourself in September. I can't wait for your Hood To Coast experience. I'm a bit jealous, ok, totally jealous and I might just have to live vicariously through you. MIGHT BE TWITTER STALKING YOU THAT WEEK :)

  8. I'm sorry you had a tough week. I totally know what a race that doesn't meet your expectations can do to your mood. One thing I've found helpful for filling in fitness between training cycles is to find something new to mix things up. A great boot camp, a new spin class like FlyWheel, swimming, etc. Tackling new exercise challenges that also will enhance your running and strength can be fun and different. Counting down the days to August 22 :)
