
Monday, April 8, 2013

Use your noodle

Tuna salad, suck it.

I was going to make curried tuna salad wraps for lunch this week. I bought some awesome wraps at Fresh Market and some tuna at Aldi though I did forgo the apples, which add a delicious crunch, because they were pricier than I prefer. But it was still going to be delicious.

And then this happened.

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A random pasta salad that I threw together for lunch post-long run on Sunday. I enjoyed it so much - and had the necessary ingredients leftover - that I made it again for lunch today.

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The inspiration for the bowl was some mini high fiber penne that I had made for Miles' lunch. He had requested pasta and the box was about a third full. Rather than making a single portion, I decided to cook it all and think about the rest later.

Later was 10 minutes - when I saw asparagus and mushrooms (leftover from Friday night pizza) in the refrigerator.

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I roasted the vegetables at 450 degrees with a bit of olive oil. Meanwhile, I diced a bit of avocado and some tomato (leftover from burrito night).  Oh, and I boiled an egg for some protein .When everything was ready, I tossed it together with a bit of dressing. 

And, voila, lunch in 10 minutes from random leftovers! A delicious lunch, too, with the avocado adding creaminess and the roasted veggies offering bright flavors.

Rather perfect for spring - especially since it decided to arrive. Finally.

What are you eating for lunch?


  1. I picked this up last night. I've never had a Kashi frozen meal before. I'm curious how it will taste.


  2. Easy easy good protein lunch: Fill half a 2 cup reusable container with cooked rice (white or brown). Season with a little soy sauce. Scramble an egg in butter, cut in pieces, put on top. Fill container the rest of the way with frozen peas.

    Probably tastes better if you microwave before eating, but I just eat it at room temp.

  3. Looks and sounds delicious!!
    Lately, I've been on a fish kick! Tilapia with veggies has been my at-work lunch for the past few weeks! :0)

  4. That looks quite tasty! All I had for lunch today was a chobani and banana because I laid down for a nap and crashed for an hour. Had to eat super fast to get back to work.

  5. That looks yummy!! We eat all meat and veggies during the week but tuna salad now sounds good since I can't eat pasta lol.

  6. excellent use of creativity! looks delicious
