
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Three Things Thursday: Dirty little secrets

I'd like to think I'm a nice girl. An upstanding citizen. I'd like to think I'm someone people can look up to.

And then I do something like change my shirt at a stoplight, flashing the guy in the turn lane, and realize that rather than being someone to look up to, I'm someone to be looked at. And arrested.

Here are some of my dirty little secrets. 

1. The gym where I teach BODYPUMP is primarily a tumbling/gymnastics center, and there are usually classes on Tuesday nights. The place is bustling with 3-year-olds in cute little leotards and pigtails. Three-year-olds who have tiny bladders and monopolize the bathroom. For whatever reason, I always change out of work clothes into workout attire at the gym and have to wait forever for the line of girls to tinkle. So I've taken to changing in the car, at stoplights, after putting the car in park. It only works with certain outfits and isn't entirely crazy ... but yeah. I should probably just bring my bag into the office and change in a stall.

2. I am a stinky runner. I am. I can run an easy 3 miles in cool weather and come home smelling like I ran a trail marathon in Barbados. It's fine. It's me. Apparently, though, I'm not the only thing that stinks - my clothes are quite rank, as well. So much so that Mark says I can no longer keep them in our laundry basket nor can I wash them with any other clothes. The new protocol is to immediately take the sweaty duds to the basement, where I'll place them in a special basket and later wash with a special detergent. I was a bit offended by the proposition but the sports detergent smells awesome!

3. I have been terrible with meal planning this week. Like so terrible that I didn't plan or buy anything for me to take to lunch. I've been out every day thus far and just ate the crumbs of my veggie chips - though those aren't going to hold me long.

Who wants to deliver sushi and seaweed salad?


  1. Sushi and seaweed salad sounds d-lish! Stinky running clothes are a pain - you could try the baking soda and vinegar soak. There are how-tos on Pinterest.

    1. Thanks for the tip! I'll have to look into it as I hate paying so much for the special stuff.

  2. I am a stinky runner too!! It doesn't matter if it's a mile or 7, i am going to be full on sweaty and stink!

  3. Smelly runners, UNITE! After speed work on Tuesday, a coworker came over to give me a high five, and I warned him away, but no. He had to get his high five. And he followed it up with, "Wow, you weren't kidding!" Thanks, dude, but you were warned.
    And it only takes 1.2 measly miles for me to get funky. All those, "Just run 10 minutes over lunch and you won't even need a shower!" people? Yeah, they've never ran with me. I wonder if it's because I eat copious amounts of garlic and onion practically every day?

    1. Love this! I do runch on occasion but manage with the help of baby wipes. However, I always go later - say 2 p.m. - so my stink time in the office is minimal.

  4. I am also a stinky runner. I just had to clean out my drawer of workout clothes and throw some out. no matter what detergent I used, some were just permanently stinky.

    I'm so not a sushi person, no idea how I missed that boat, but for some reason a spicy tuna roll and a California roll sound amazing to me right now.

    1. So glad I'm not alone. I had to throw out a few sports bras that wouldn't unstink. And I agree that the sushi sounds good - come here and we can have lunch!

  5. I'm a stinky runner too so no worries!! :0)

  6. haha! as usual, you have my giggling - especially about the three year old girls and their tiny bladders. and i think you're finding some pretty creative ways to change on the way to the gym ;)

  7. I sweat like crazy. (Best thing about winter running? No sweat!) But last year I discovered technical merino running clothes, which are magically nonstinky, lightweight, and not itchy. They're all I wear now. (Unless I'm going with a super fabulous race shirt or InkNBurn). If you're patient and get on their email list for discounts, you can get Icebreaker tops from places like sierratradingpost for $30-40. SO WORTH IT.

  8. Your changing in the car cracked me up!

  9. Most of my running clothes are ruined within 2 wears :( I cannot get them clean! And I am not supposed to let them air dry in our open space or keep my closet door (we have our own closets) open when they are in there, dirty. I just can't figure out how to get them clean.

    Knock those little dancers over. JK. Sorta. LOL ;)

  10. I am definitely a smelly runner and I sweat like a pig!!!
