
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Living the Lex life

I love the South. It's as if you enter a whole new world where people are nice and the pace is relaxed once you cross the Ohio River.

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While our trip to Lexington was short, it was no different. There was a certain charm to the historic homes, hip food scene and rolling green hills.

The highlights ... so basically a detailed account of what we did.

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Lunch at Doodles on Friday after we arrived. Doodles was recommended by Lex locals on the Run the Bluegrass Facebook page, and I loved the restaurant's emphasis on locally sourced ingredients.

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I also loved that they had hot dogs and beans, which Miles had been requesting for at least 20 minutes. Let me tell you, there's nothing more inspiring than to hear a 20-month-old scream "HOT DOG, BEANS" from the back seat of a car.

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As for me, I had the Super Veggie sandwich of the day, which was breaded, oven roasted eggplant, marinara and mozzarella. It was served with Doodles Flat Fries but I gave them to Mark, who was hungry after his grilled cheese and tomato-sausage soup.

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After lunch, we headed to BabyCakes Cupcakes. I planned a one-day hiatus from my #sugardetox so I could celebrate my anticipated half-marathon finish with a sweet treat.

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The shop was small but stylish, and it looked like much of the business is orders/catering rather than single cupcake sales. Nonetheless, there was a good selection of flavors. I went with Butterscotch, Mark with Red Velvet and Cookie Dough for Miles. I loved that the owner(?) was willing to cut the Cookie Dough Cupcake into four pieces so we could ration it out to Miles ... or so he could have a bite and Mark could eat the rest. I guess it was so good that Mark could not share and would deny his child that indulgence.

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In a perfect world, we would have walked around downtown Lexington and took in the city but someone needed a nap. So it was to the hotel. I lived dangerously, canceling my room at the Hilton and booking a more affordable, last-minute room on Hotwire. I did this last year with the Martian race and ended up at the Motown Inn where the clerk offered to procure alcohol for us from guests checking in. Not the greatest experience.

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We lucked out, though, as I did my best to narrow down our options and we ended up at the Crowne Plaza at the Campbell House. The hotel was gorgeous, rooms spacious and the elevators clean. I was more than impressed that housekeeping had the crib in our room before we made it there.

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Except someone didn't want to sleep in it. Rather, Miles and I took advantage of the indoor pool while Miles napped. How cute is he in his skull trunks and girly life vest (which was at the pool)? Even cuter was just how much he loved the water. He now asks every day to "go fwimmin'." We tell him that he can in the summer.

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Dinner became an interesting and rushed affair with a kid tired from no sleep + fwimmin'. We had planned to go to a local pizzeria downtown but upon discovering it was carry-out only, we were off to find "mac and cheese and pizza-pizza." By the grace of all that is holy, we were less than a mile away from Mellow Mushroom.

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I had heard of the place via blogs and the like, and I was excited to finally try it out. I was also excited to drink, a rarity for me, but nearly required after Miles Meltdown No. 321 of the day. It was a Woodchuck Pear Cider, if you're curious.

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As for the pizza? Loved it. I had the Mellowterranean on my half, and I took advantage of the carbo-loading excuse to eat the entire half.

There were a few more places that I had hoped to visit but time ran short. Of course, there's always next year ...

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  1. NEXT YEAR! *ihopeihopeihope*

  2. I'm a huge fan of Mellow Mushroom. They are popular here in TN too. I love Lexington though... it's so beautiful... so much more to "see" than indiana. Rolling hills, horses... ah... bliss.

  3. Yum!! Haven't made it to a mellow mushroom yet but heard awesome things! It's great you scored a Crowne plaza on Hotwire!! Awesome deal!
