
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What I Ate Wednesday: Front lines

Let's be honest here for a minute. Wait, I'm always honest. Like too honest sometimes.

So ... yeah. I'm going to be upfront: When I participate in What I Ate Wednesday, I always try to plan a good day and show you how well I eat and that I'm just super awesome.

I planned such a day like that yesterday, and I was going to illustrate how I plan things when I teach in the evenings and miss dinner with the guys. My intake was in line with the plan oh, until, I made Miles a mini bagel that looked so good that I had to have one ... and then my friend and I went to the hospital for some supplemental lunch ... and then I got bit by the hangry monster ... and then I got cranky. My perfect day became not so perfect and incredibly carb heavy.

Alas, I'm going to share it with you because, well, why not.


[use your imagination. fairly certain you know what these look like. i don't take pictures at 5 a.m. nor do i capitalize letters]

Fig cookie - Best. Idea. Ever. One cookie is 45 calories, easy to grab and delicious. So delicious that I'm taking them to tutoring for snack because I can't exhibit self-control around them.


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Oatmeal "custard" made with oats, almond milk, water, chia seeds, banana, chopped mango, unsweetened coconut and egg whites.

Mid-morning snacks

Mini bagel with apple butter, apple and hot chocolate


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Whole wheat wrap with Sabra roasted red pepper hummus, mixed greens, sprouts, carrots and turkey; and lemon spaghetti. By the way, did you know that many grocery stores don't carry sprouts because of the salmonella risk? I bought these clover sprouts at the co-op but I'm thinking I might start growing my own.

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Followed by banana pudding and chicken noodle soup from the hospital. I friggin' love pudding so much that it's ridiculous. A grown woman should be able to pass up such a thing but I, alas, cannot.

Afternoon eats

Carrots with my friend's homemade tzatziki sauce, orange and The Laughing Cow's new Mini Babybel Mozzarella (SO GOOD).


The plan was to eat a Clif bar for "dinner," before my BODYPUMP class, and eat a substantial post-class snack. So I ate the Clif bar.

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And then I came home ravenous and ate a bowl and half of barbecue chicken pasta.

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And a bowl of cereal (mix of Kashi Go Lean, Cinnamon Chex and Fit & Active Vitality Vanilla Almond) with almond milk ... and a cookie. Yes, cookie in the cereal, which I ate out of a measuring cup.

At least I measured the cereal, right? Right!

All in all, I came in about 2,100 calories - about 300 more than I'd like on a given day - and I know a good 200 was stress eating (see above photo of cereal). I also had more sugar than I prefer (hot chocolate + pudding + cookie) but what's done is done, and I tracked it all.

Disclosure:  While The Laughing Cow® provided me with product for review, opinions are mine.


  1. Hahahahhaha omg your cereal snack is hilarious.

  2. Dude, have had those days. I think you'd did pretty well! When my snack monster hits it's allllll over.

  3. My favorite is the cookie in the cereal! :0)
