
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday uniform

Fact: Running more than 10 miles diminishes my ability to dress myself as a presentable adult.

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Top to bottom:

  • Sparkly Soul headband
  • Random Target cardigan
  • 26.2 apparel T-shirt (purchased at Columbus Marathon expo)
  • Decaf Starbucks
  • Precocious toddler
  • Clearance-find Old Navy crop sweatpants
  • Old Navy flip-flops

I have pretty much worn this exact outfit save for the flip-flops (sub fake Uggs) every Sunday for the past month. From trips to the library to napping on the couch, I find that this combination is comfortable and easy to slide past my legs, which I'm convinced are swollen post-run and post-hot bath thus making actual pants a bitch to put on.

In the warmer months, my post-long run style suffers a bit less as sundresses and flip-flops are easy to throw on over my fatigued body and, with the addition of a lightweight scarf, quite reminiscent of what I would wear on an otherwise normal weekend afternoon.

I probably could invest in some nicer knit bottoms that look more like pants than yoga wear and pair it with a cute sweater. Then again, that look wouldn't proclaim to people, "Hey! I'm a runner!" and thus causing people to question why my frozen yogurt bowl was 12 ounces.

On a side note, I totally forced Mark to embarrass himself and take this photo outside of Dick's. I was hoping to score a few sports bras after I had to throw a couple away that could not get the stank washed out of them. Unsurprisingly, I didn't find anything cute and in my budget - just sale-priced Nike low-impact bras (read: sweat through these in 5 seconds) and locked and loaded UA bras.

I did have luck, though, at Kohl's. With a 30 percent off coupon, I nabbed - for less than $40! - a sports bra (in orange), racerback tank and cheetah-textured capris.

Because I'm born to be wild. Obviously.


  1. I wear something pretty similar (minus the toddler) every Sunday, running or not!

  2. I see no problem with your outfit! :0) I agree about the yogurt. If people can tell you are a runner, then who cares...fill that bowl up! I like your philosophy!!

  3. Given that marathon #2 is only 13 days away, I'm lucky if I put on jeans twice in the same month. Your outfit is perfectly fine. Frankly, you'd be over-dressed at our local grocery store! I've stopped for milk immediately after a group run, and even in my sweat-soaked running gear, I feel "fancy" compared to the other people. That's Peru for ya.

  4. I think you look perfectly adorable!! And of course Miles too!=)

  5. Ok I think I NEED those capris!
    I am guilty as charged as well except I've got a pair of black Lucy stretchy pants that are my post run go-to.

  6. love it!! as a mom, especially when holding my toddler, i assure myself that no one is looking at me - they are much more interested in the two year old! She's the perfect accessory ;)
