
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

You asked, 2.0

In a super lazy post last week, I asked y'all to provide some blog fodder by offering up questions.

And you did it so nicely, too.

So let's get on with it!

Kimmy asked:
Hi Kim!! I do have a question actually....or two! First I invested in the TurboFire Conditioning & Interval Training Workout in hopes that it will help with my running. I am on a 3 day a week running routine..speed, tempo, long. My question is this....would you follow the schedule provided in the TurboFire even if I have a scheduled run that same day? Also, if you only had time to either do speed or tempo which would you do?
Feel the fire! Love Turbo Fire, and I miss it now that I'm in the half marathon training zone. When I did Turbo Fire, I followed the schedule as best I could and ran three to four times a week, meaning that I doubled up on workouts. I would do Turbo Fire in the morning (M, T, R, F) and run three of those days whether it was a runch or after Miles went to bed. I rarely followed the weekend schedule as I was teaching BODYPUMP and fitting in long runs. Depending on a person's fitness level and the workouts, I see no harm in doubling up, especially in the beginning of the program when the HIIT workouts are short or on days when it's a toning session.

As for the second question, my lazy self would probably do tempo but I think it's more effective for cardio conditioning and improving performance to do intervals. Ideally, it would be once a week. I am alternating tempo and intervals each week as I prep for the half since I'm doing hill work as well. However, I did find this article to be an interesting read even if I don't plan on joining the Kenyans.

Wendy asked:
1) I am soooo slow. If the app is right, I'm actually getting slower. wth. What is something you've done to increase your speed? I don't have a treadmill and I run in my neighborhood.
2) How much water do you drink a day? How is it going with the Diet Coke?
3) While you are "training" are you eating differently than when you are in regular maintenance, everyday girl mode?
 Good questions! As far as getting faster, I was once told that the only way to become a better runner is to run more. I saw significant gains in speed and endurance when I began adding in medium distance long runs when I was training for my second half marathon. So many plans cap you at 5 miles, and I was routinely doing 7 miles or so mid-week to improve. Also, strength training is important. Your legs are your powerhouse, and strong legs make for a strong runner. The instructor for my RAW class says a lot of runners shy away from leg exercises, afraid of being bulky, when they can actually boost performance. Lunges will do great for hamstrings and squats and wall sits for quads.

Water, water, everywhere and not a drop that I want to drink. Ha! I could probably be better about water but that being said, I'm not sure how much I drink. I try to start the day off with two tall glasses of water before I eat anything, and I typically have another two tall glasses at dinner. Work consumption is a little dicey as I tend to go for coffee but I try to go for two tumblers. As for the Diet Coke, I'm still without. It's been two months, and I can hardly believe it. I still miss it, and I am tempted quite frequently. If I'm still antsy about it by the 100 day mark, I'm giving in.

As for No. 3, while I did give up dairy during marathon training, I rarely alter my eating habits. If anything, I probably use the training volume to justify a higher volume of food. I will say that after a workout, I am conscious of refueling with carbs + protein. This morning, for example, I completed a 5-mile tempo run on the treadmill and followed it up with an egg white omelet and side of oatmeal. I also try to tell myself to "eat like an athlete" when I'm feeling out of control.

Kelly (my fabulous photographer - if you live in NE Indiana, book her!) asked:
I'm wondering what your average HR is when you go for a run? I've been a runner since 2008, but my HR still seems ridiculously high (reaching over 200 on some runs). I'm always interested to hear about other people and their "norm". Someone once told me that I need to train my heart to beat slower by keeping it in the aerobic zone while I workout, but that often involves a lot of WALKING! I'd like to hear your thoughts, and how you use your HR monitor for training.
I wish I had a great answer but I have never trained with a heart rate monitor! The Garmin 305 had a strap but I never used it and though I still have a dependence on the BodyMedia FIT armband, it doesn't provide heart rate readings. I toyed with getting a HR monitor, mostly to track calorie burn, but didn't feel like spending the money. Especially because I think it would give me a lot of numbers that I wouldn't know how to use. From my limited knowledge, I feel like monitoring HR is something that one should do when working with a coach who knows what to do with the information. The "Train Like a Mother" plans suggest being in zone 4 or zone 5 but that means nothing to me because zone 4 is different for everyone. I feel like perceived effort is a good enough measure for the level of training that I'm doing.

Patricia asked:
Yay for questions! How is training for your 5th or 6th half marathon different than training for your first? What tips would you give to someone trying for their first half?
The most important thing when training for your first go at a particular distance is finishing the distance. Unless you are an experienced athlete, training should focus on building a base, improving endurance and doing what you need to get across the finish line injury free. I followed Hal Higdon's novice plan for my first half marathon, running three to four times a week. Those runs were all fairly easy - no speedwork and at a comfortable pace. Now that I'm training for half marathons six and seven, I'm still running four days a week but I'm including more quality runs and higher mileage.  My midweek runs are, for the most part, four or five miles and I'm including hills and speed work.

Mentally, I think a big difference is confidence. I feel like I could go out tomorrow and complete a half marathon. In what time I would do it is another story but there's no anxiety about whether I can do it. I think so much of training for a first race is showing your brain that, yes, you are that strong.

Bari asked:
Hi Kim! Want to make a detour to Michigan when you are in WI for your half in May? :)
A detour to Michigan? Sounds interesting ... I live so close to Michigan, though (about an hour to the border, two hours to Lansing), that I don't need a race in Wisconsin to go :) I am seriously dying to go Ann Arbor for a weekend, and I see incessant ads for Fire Keepers casino. I'm certain that those would be to different kinds of trips.

Thanks to everyone for asking questions!

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