
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

WIAW: Kim goes to Korea

I have a secret to tell you. Come in.


Closer still.

Here it is: I ate oatmeal for breakfast yesterday, and I didn't take a picture of it. Astounding, right? Even more astounding was that it had no artificial sweeteners or added sugar or muffin tops. It was oats, banana, raisins, cinnamon, egg whites and a dash of vanilla.

Wait, there was some peanut butter, too. Cut me some slack.

While I didn't nab a photo of that post-run bowl - nor the quarter mini bagel I ate before the run - I felt it was time to track the comings (not goings) of my mouth.

Morning snack.

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Ezekiel 4:9 Cinnamon Raisin English Muffin with hazelnut spread - not Nutella. Nutella is a trademarked brand, and my jar has the name Kroger on it. Whatevs. The muffin was most definitely Ezekiel. It was my first time trying the variety, purchased by me with moneys, and it had that hardy flavor that Ezekiel products have and that I so enjoy. It wasn't as sweet as most cinnamon raisin products but I, for one, was glad to see it wasn't sugar-loaded.


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Once or twice a month, I go out to lunch with a co-worker. She and I both love love ethnic foods and both have husbands who are less adventurous eaters. Whenever we go out, we try to go exotic. Tuesday was Korean. At a restaurant neighboring a Marathon gas station. What can I say, we keep it classy.

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I started out with egg drop soup and kimchi salad, both of which were lovely.

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As part of the lunch special, the server/owner brought out a plate with crab Rangoon, egg roll and mandoo. I am not one to turn down a Rangoon so I ate that and enjoyed the insides only of the other fried treats.

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My entree was the pork bulgogi, which was on special, and sounded very authentic. It was good. If you ever come to Fort Wayne, we can go and then you can tell me it's good.


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I was a busy girl yesterday afternoon. Blarg. Being busy is dumb. But it does keep you from eating.

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I managed an apple and an orange throughout the afternoon, and I had a cup of no sugar added hot cocoa while I interviewed a job candidate.


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Can I get a thank you God for the slow cooker? Slow Cooker French Onion Meatloaf (made with Laura's Lean Beef), Alexia Sweet Potato Tots (spotted at Target) and spinach. Most of it once frozen. Except the beef. I bought it that morning. All of it was delicious.

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After dinner, I had a handful of Walmart brand honey nut O's or whatever you want to call 'em. And then,  later, a half-cup with almond milk (I prefer Silk unsweetened original). Further proof that I can't have cereal in the house.


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Skinny Cow. My last one. For a while probably.

What have you been eating lately?


  1. kimchi is so good. One of my friends always brings some to school for lunch and lets me snack on it.

  2. Korean is one food that I do not like. I hate to say it because I pretty much like all food but my tummy doesn't like it :(. Looking at your lunch is making me want thai though. Oh I miss those thai lunches with co-workers.

  3. I've been wanting to try those tots! I cannot wait!!!
