
Monday, January 14, 2013

Seven (not so) deadly truths


Sometimes you have to be OK with the fact that your toddler's dinner is raisins, frozen-yogurt and a cereal bar. After two failed attempts to redeem a Living Social deal for a Mexican restaurant, Mark and I were finally able to sit down for some chips, salsa and burritos. Well ... sort of. Miles had no interest in the chips except to say "chip" and pick them up, crumbling them in his hand and tossing them on the floor. (Yes, we were those people.) I made him a plate of foods I know he likes - guacamole, chicken, beans - but nothing held his interest. While it would have behooved us to go straight home, I had a $5 reward at Menchie's and I was going to be damned if Miles' bad behavior was going to ruin my dessert.

The best laid plans are just that: Plans. I had this great idea that Mark could attend a cycling class at the YMCA while I taught BODYPUMP, as Mark would be able to put Miles in the Y child care. However, Miles woke up at 6, went down for a nap at 7 and slept till 9. Right when the class started.


Sometimes you can't deny what God gives you, even if your body says otherwise. Saturday was a beautiful day - sunny and in the 50s - and the fact that it was mid-January made the day that much more of a gift. As Mark missed his cycling class, I thought we could squeeze in a run. Sure, my legs were toast from RAW and teaching BP but I couldn't let a day like that slip by. We ran 4 miles around the park and though they didn't feel so great, I was happy to see a 9:07 pace, perfect negative splits and two miles that began with an 8.

A haircut can make you feel like a new woman. In keeping with a New Year's promise to take care of myself, I tried a new to me, more affordable salon. The stylist was great - experienced, patient and an exercise enthusiast who is planning on getting her personal training certificate. We had a great chat about mountain climbers, and I have clean ends and refreshed layers.


You can go to the movies with your husband and not see the same movie. I'e been wanting to see "Silver Linings Playbook" since I read the book in early November but it didn't come to Fort Wayne until Christmas. And then there was other stuff to see, namely "Les Mis." When my in-laws requested to baby-sit (no joke), I pitched seeing a movie. One thing: Mark wanted to see "Zero Dark Thirty." As luck would have it, the movies start times were within 15 minutes and we were both happy to arrive together but see our own thing.


I always take big purses to the movies for one reason: Sneaking in my own snacks. For "Silver Linings Playbook," I took a mix of cashews, raisins, dried figs and chocolate-covered peanuts.


White bread tastes really, really good. I made a lemon basil chicken salad, and my stomach was set on a melt. The only problem was that I didn't have wheat bread thawed and didn't feel like spending 240 calories on the slices I had in the freezer. And so I had some of the white bread I keep on hand for Mark. Let me tell you, it was good. So good.

What's your truth?


  1. I really want to see Silver Linings. But not Zero Dark Thirty. Hee hee. Did you like it? I always bring snacks too.

    Happy you got to redeem your Living Social deal (even though it didn't go quite as planned) and get out for a run!

    Hmm. My truth is that taking a year off from a friendship (just losing touch) DOES have its effects!

  2. you rock, kim! this post was especially awesome ;)

    i can't wait to see les mis either - but probably will wait for it on demand. and weirdly, i have no idea where the closest movie theater is to me right now (don't spread that around)

    also, i've totally been there at a restaurant with a less-than-cooperative toddler. mine isn't a fan of eating, so that makes it even tougher. but things are looking up. so maybe in a few months, it will be better with miles.

    i love your homemade trail mix ;)
