
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Fit to be tried: Box it up

With the new year - and its resolutions - rapidly approaching, I'm highlighting some of my favorite fit things of 2012. 


Think outside the box - it's such a lovely saying, encouraging people to step outside their comfort zones. Yet, this year, it seems everyone wants you to think inside the box. From makeup to food items to (now) workout clothes, monthly "box" subscriptions are available to allow consumers to sample new products or items they wouldn't buy otherwise. 

I was a nearly six-month member of Birchbox, trying out anti-aging serums and living on samples of BB cream for $10 a month, and I would have kept up the subscription if I was a little more into beauty.

What am I into? Well, you probably already know. Food. Health. Fitness. And lo and behold there are boxes for those. I recently had the opportunity to try out two box subscriptions - NatureBox and Bulu Box.

NatureBox. For less than $20 a month, a NatureBox includes 15-20 servings of 4-6 items "curated" by a nutritionist and sourced from local growers and independent food suppliers across the U.S. NatureBox also incorporates recipe ideas to go with the monthly theme. Every snack included is free of high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, trans fats, artificial sweeteners, flavors, and colors.


In my box, I received dried pears, lemon pistachios, granola, pistachio power clusters and masa crackers. I was a bit worried about the sugar content of the items as I was on track with the Healthy Holiday challenge and not consuming any added sugars. The pears, pistachios and crackers, thankfully, were all without added sugar, and the clusters were borderline, using brown rice syrup. 

I found the products to be tasty, and it was nice to try something new. I was particularly fond of the dried pears (addicting) and the pistachio clusters, which fueled a Real Ryder class and holiday shopping. The lemon pistachios were quite lemon but tasty as long as you didn't suck on the shell, and the masa crackers delightfully salty.

I love the idea of the box, especially as I don't have a specialty market near me and thus the exposure to these sorts of items. However, I'm not sure I can justify the box's $20 a month price tag. I already have to get creative to fit in our groceries on $80 a week and taking out $5 a week for snacks that might not last all month seems like a bit of a luxury - especially as I'm not sure you can customize to specific dietary needs. I'd be more inclined to subscribe if it was the packages were smaller or there were fewer choices - with an appropriately smaller price tag.

Bulu Box. Bulu Box is the best way to discover vitamin, supplement and health products. Each box is filled with 4 to 5 premium products selected to help you feel your best. Look forward to a new mix monthly for both women and men that include: vitamins, weight loss, energy, protein, digestion, sleep support and more. It costs $10 a month.


In my box, I received FRS Healthy Energy Chews, Perky Jerky, Almased Synergy Diet, Reserveage Organics CocoaWell dietary supplement and Crystal Essence Mineral Deodorant Towelettes.

To be honest, I'm not sure if I can fairly review it because I don't know what to do with most of it. I'm bothered that the second ingredient on the chews is corn syrup (the first is sugar) and the jerky has sugar. When I responded to the PR agent's email, I thought I'd be getting vitamins and not chews and deodorant towelettes. It does have a nice price tag so I'll give it that.

Of course, the subscription I'm most curious about is one I haven't tried: pv body. One workout ensemble a month for $40, including brands like lululemon. Of course, none of the blog reviews mention getting lululemon, and I can't imagine buying 12 outfits a year. My poor dresser couldn't handle it!

1 comment:

  1. I keep reading all those pv body reviews too and while the outfits look cool, I cannot imagine needing a new workout outfit each month! I seriously still have workout clothes from 2002.
