
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Three Things Thursday: Thoughts on #TLAM

The moment I saw it on my boss's desk I knew it had to be mine. Maybe it was a guttural reaction - "Ooh, something pretty. Something bright. Me want. Me want right now." Or maybe it was because that over the past year, which has been spent running and mothering, I have found myself following all things Dimity and Sarah - their Twitter feeds, the Run Like a Mother Facebook page and listening to the podcasts.

I asked my boss if I could borrow it and took it back to my desk, where I thumbed through it periodically throughout the afternoon. I gave it back at the end of the day but longed to borrow it for, let's say, a more extended period of time. When the book was still there a couple weeks later (it was sent to the paper for review), I stealthily took it back to my desk where it would sit for several weeks. I'd read it as I had time, eating lunch and mapping out my training schedule.

Eventually, I knew I had to put it in the charity sale pile and get my own. Since then, the book has been a constant companion. I refer to it when planning my runs for the week and read it in bed before drifting off to sleep. (Yes, I've even slept with it under my pillow.) I'll open it up when I'm feeling less than enthusiastic about running and read the often hilarious stories of other mother runners or those of Sarah and Dimity themselves. I've even considered getting the Kindle edition just to have more convenient access.

It's official: I' a complete tool but what can I say, I enjoy "Train Like a Mother." Let's count the ways:

1. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. Yes, the overall purpose of the book is to encourage mother runners to train for and tackle a distance of their choosing and even challenge them to go farther. However, Dimity and Sarah realize that it's not easy, and they share personal stories of struggle and triumph.

2. You don't have to read the whole thing. Of course, you should but let's be honest, not all of us have time to sit and read a book. I've been reading Scott Jurek's "Eat & Run" for more than a month and the Kindle says I'm just 47 percent of the way through. (My slowness is not a testament to the quality of the book. I really like it but just haven't made time for it.) With "Train Like a Mother," you can pick it up, read a chapter and go back to it three weeks down the trail. You can also refer to specific sections in a time of need. Injured? Read that chapter. If your race is in a couple weeks, glance through the chapters on nutrition and race day.

3. The training plans. Duh. Even though I've made some adjustments, the core of my Columbus Marathon training schedule is from "Train Like a Mother." The plans offer a challenge to runners with even the "Finish It" options incorporating quality workouts. The quality workouts vary, too, which is nice. One week, it might be tempo. The next week might be hills. (Yay. Hills. No exclamation points here.) I particularly like the inclusion of shorter runs for a bit of mental break.

I will say that I was a bit disappointed at first with the plans because they didn't spell out to do strength training, and I had to figure out how to incorporate my BODYPUMP classes. However, after listening to an Another Mother Runner podcast, I was made hip to the strength training chapter (which is why you should make an effort to read the whole book). Not only do they include the benefits of resistance training, especially in regards to running, but there's a plan. Another plan, I tell you! It includes body-weight exercises such as tricep dips and push-ups as well as some wicked ab exercises.

Just take a look. (Please excuse the lame question at the end - no ab exercises are favorites.)

OK, I might not be such a great example but there's a video of the workout on Another Mother Runner with the genius behind the workout demonstrating.

Have you read "Train Like a Mother"? Do you want to? I'm feeling gifty today, and I will give away a copy of "Train Like a Mother" to one of you fine folks. There are no crazy rules for this, I guess, giveaway because I don't want to have any. And I'm in charge. Until Miles wakes up from his nap.

Leave a comment - any comment - and via random selection, I will pick a winner on Sunday. The lucky reader will be announced in my Marathon Monday post. Happy training!

 Winners have 72-hours from the announcement time to claim their prize by e-mailing me. Otherwise another entrant will be selected. The winning entrant must have followed the above listed guidelines, or else their entry will be invalid. Only U.S. readers may enter.


  1. I loved Run Like a Mother so I can't wait to read their new book! :)

  2. This would be a perfect book for me to read as I start my marathon training. I am always looking for some new motivation!

    P.S. Great job on the ab exercise, I don't think I could do it!

  3. I would love to read this!! I think it would help get me out of my running funk.

  4. I've been planning on adding it to my Kindle since we talked about it while we were running. Of course like a lot of things lately, totally slipped my mind.

  5. I'd love to read this! I just had my first baby 11 days ago and am having trouble imagining that life will ever be normal again. I know I'll need the extra inspiration when I finally get back to training!

  6. Congratulations! I'm not sure that life ever gets back to normal but it does get manageable!

  7. I would love a copy. I've been debating about getting it on my Kindle as well. Save me some $$'s! HAHA

  8. I am pregnant with my first baby, due in October. Once I get the all clear from my doctor to run again, I plan to train for my 2nd half marathon -- I would love to read this book for some mother running motivation!

  9. I would love to read this! I just started "running" again after taking several years to slack off. And I'm not sure you call what I do "running!"

  10. I would like to receive TLAM. I ran my first NYC marathon last year and am looking forward to improving my time for the 2013 race.

  11. Would love this a beginning runner and need inspiration!!

  12. I would love to win this book!! Starting to train for my 3rd half!!

  13. Just getting into running and LOVE these ladies! Would love to read the book.

  14. I heart SBS and Dimity! :) I would love to win a copy! (especially since I'm quoted in it. The stomach flu 10k will be forever remembered.)

  15. I heart SBS and Dimity! :) I would love to win a copy! (especially since I'm quoted in it. The stomach flu 10k will be forever remembered.)

  16. Sounds like a great read! Thanks for the review and giveaway!

  17. I would love to read it. Seems like it has a lot of good info.

  18. I love those ladies! Would love their book :)

  19. Just finished Run Like a Mother and I am looking forward to this one!

  20. I would love to read this book. I enjoy reading and I am a first time runner, I'm training for my first 5K

  21. I want to read Train Like a Mother like no other!! (ba dum dum)

  22. I want this book! :)
