
Friday, August 31, 2012

I am woman, see me run

In case you missed it, the women who make running with a stroller look cool (Dimity and Sarah) featured me on Another Mother Runner as part of their Follow This Mother Series. Call me humbled. And if you are visiting via the post, I want to say hi and thanks for visiting.

In case I missed it, I'm running a half-marathon this weekend. Oops.

I've planning on participating in the Indianapolis Women's Half Marathon for quite some time, making travel arrangements with L (who is doing the 5K) and (unsuccessfully) trying to get today off work. September just seemed so far away and the race didn't seem like something that I needed to worry about in the thick of marathon training.

Well, September is almost here. Like, tomorrow. It might do me some good to worry - just a little bit - about the race.

The outfit. Since this is a no joke all-women's race, I figure that I should bring the glam. I'll be wearing a fuchsia tank, blue Team Sparkle skirt and polka dot Spibelt. This race will also be one of the last times running in my beloved pink Nike Structure Triax. This summer, I've ran close to 400 miles - 140 miles in August alone.

The carbs. I had a coconut-peach wheat pancake for breakfast - definitely a good start. If I can get away for lunch, I'm antsy to get some brown rice rolls from Fresh Market. If not, I have a PB&J that I packed for the drive. Dinner? Well, that's a bit tougher. Finding a restaurant that's dairy-free friendly isn't easy but I found Coal Pizza Company, which offers goat cheese as an option. Ain't nothing bad about that.

The goals. We all know I'd be lying if I said my only goal would be to finish but that is my base goal. It's so easy to think of a half as nothing after some intense training works but the race is still 13.1 miles and a lot can go down.

So ... Goal C: Get it done.

Goal B: Run aggressively yet smoothly.

Goal A: Beat my time from the Martian Invasion Half Marathon in April. I ran a 2:00:27 (I think), and I know I'm far stronger now than I was.

Goal A+++: Don't whine if it rains (and use it as an excuse to buy a new hat at the expo).


  1. Good luck this weekend! You're going to do great.

  2. Good luck! Hope I see you (love the outfit!)!

  3. You are going to do great; loved reading your inspiring story!!

  4. Have fun! Coal pizza co is a great good.

  5. Hi Kimberly,
    I have not run this year and I miss it. I know it is a matter of getting up and doing it So nice to see your tenacity in doing it and I think I will get back into it.
    I enjoyed the article.
