
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Living for 'Today'

I clenched my teeth, took a deep breath and smiled. I heard a "go" and the door in front of me opened. I took a step and then another.

And then I stopped. It all stopped. For what felt like hours and nanoseconds all the same, the world stopped.

And then it began again.

I said quick goodbyes and accepted congratulations before being ushered (nicely, I promise) off set. Twenty minutes later, I was in a cab back to the airport and back to reality.

But it happened. It really happened.

I was on the "Today Show."

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I was first contacted by someone affiliated with "The Joy Fit Club"/NBC just after my Woman's Day article appeared. She wanted me to apply to be a member of the club - but offered me no promises. I might not ever make the show and, if I did, it might be months down the road. Regardless, I filled out a lengthy questionnaire, attached photos and sent it on its merry way.

And forgot about it.

In fact, I'm not sure it had so much crossed my subconscious until I got the email last Monday afternoon - a mere week before the segment would air - asking if I was interested in being on the show. I was tired and had just walked in the door from our Colorado vacation. A trip to New York? In a week? Did I want to?

Uh ... Uh ... YES!

Of course, it required some logistical planning and complete support and pure awesomeness on the part of my husband as well as my colleagues but I was in.

Over the course of last week, I talked to producers and editorial directors, scrounged up photos, recorded a voiceover and received travel information all the while doubting that this was actually going to happen. Maybe it was because Miles' birthday was just days away and a  dreaded 12-miler was scheduled for Sunday but I was only consumed by the work and not the thought of the trip.

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9:15 a.m. - it was my call time.

I bullied my way through photographers waiting to grab shots of celebrities exiting the studios (Queen Latifah, Ray Romano and Pink were there) as I made my way into the studio.

I was ushered back to a green room where snacks and drinks awaited though there was no time for that. Hair and makeup awaited.

I can only hope that everyone is so lucky as to experience professional hair and makeup. The queens of New York gush about your hair and looks as they curl, tease, smooth and curl again. They deftly dab away your undereye circles and line your lips with the same skill that they do celebrities. It is absolutely amazing and I would die for someone to do it every day.

I resisted the urge to take pictures at this time. It just didn't seem cool - ya know. Oh, and Piper Pearabo was walking behind me. Talk about awkward.

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It all looked so pretty. From the perfectly sliced avocado to the uniformly cut carrot matchsticks, the food that I eat so often was now TV ready.

Joy, her editorial director Johannah and "Today" producer Amanda gave me a quick tour of the set, introducing me to the production people who were all going to make the segment work. They told me where to stand, how to walk out and when to look out at the camera.

And they told me to smile. All I really had to do was smile, they said.

That, and hide from Hoda. Apparently, she likes to be just as surprised as the viewers are by the big reveal. Mark, one of the production folks, ushered me to the side as the hosts walked on. They closed the set door and put me in position.

You look great, they said. Just smile.

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The segment was over more quickly than I imagined, and Hoda and Kathie Lee rushed off set as if someone screamed "Happy Hour!" I think Kathie Lee touched my hand - sadly, it's been washed - but it's hard to say.

I took some photos on set with Joy, went back down to hair and make up to grab my bag and hugged the Js goodbye. 

I walked out of the studio, hair and make-up done. My dress still on. I slung my bag, with a map for Mark and a onesie for Miles inside, over my shoulder and walked the three blocks to the hotel.

I had been on TV but home was calling.


  1. Congratulations!! You looked and sounded beautiful. Too bad they didn't have a little more time with you.....

  2. That is TOO cool! Congratulations!!!

  3. Love it! You look gorgeous! Was the dress your own? I love it!

    1. Thanks! The dress is mine. I got it at Kohl's on Friday. I think it's AB Studio or something like that.

  4. This is so wonderful! Enjoyed watching the video! Congrats. :) I read your blog every day so I kind of feel like I know you and it's always exciting to see someone celebrated in this way!

  5. You are awesome! I love TODAY and it was so fun to hear about your experience behind the scenes- that is wild it was only a week prior that you were given warning. Way to go!!

  6. I watched it and you looked beautiful!!! Such an awesome experience :)

  7. You looked stunning. And my kids laughed at me as I gushed over "my friend in the computer" and then when I teared up.

    You are awesome, just so you know...

  8. OMG you looked so cute!!!! This was so awesome!!!

  9. Wow! That is awesome Kim!! So happy for you and so very proud! You looked gorgeous!!

  10. Congratulations! I want to let you know how much your blog has inspired me, I ran/walked my first 5K on the 4th of July and have lost 10 lbs in the past month :)

  11. My head is spinning just reading about the whirlwind. You were absolutely beautiful, poised, and amazing! I'm so proud of your accomplishments not only with the original weight loss, but for continuing to live a healthy and active lifestyle and keeping it off while making awesome choices for you and your family everyday! You're definitely a role model and boo to the Today show for not having more time for you! Congrats on all that you have accomplished!!!!

  12. I have had your blog in my reader and been following around for awhile now, but I don't think I ever heard your "story." Your mom's death had me in tears, but it's awesome that you made the choice to not only be healthy for yourself, but as a wife and mom. Love the blog and your irreverent humor.

  13. Kim, your story brought tears to my eye's, and you look so BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm so glad I can put a voice with one of my favorite bloggers! You are amazing!

  14. I agree with everyones comments. You look fabulous and I wish they would have had more time for you! Keep up the great work!

  15. I know I already sung my praises, but I need to say it again. Congrats! You deserve all good things that come your way. You're real, honest, relatable, and funny. You inspire so many people and I hope the segment motivated some people. I love that I know someone "famous" :) I should have asked for your autograph during Martian ;)

  16. You looked so awesome!! You have worked so hard and inspire many!!

  17. You looked amazing & I appreciate you sharing your story like this. I look forward to your blog every day. :)

  18. So so proud of you!!! I cried at this video! So Awesome! Congrats Girlie :)

  19. Oh my gosh Kim, congratulations!!! That is tooo cool! You looked so great in that video and thanks for the healthy lunch ideas and the inspiration :)

  20. Holy cow! Congrats on your TV appearance and amazing transformation!! What a dream!

  21. Congrats! I saw the segment - it was great! Also excited to keep up with your marathon training as I anticipate my first one next year. Trying to get some tips to begin implementing now. Definitely enjoy your blog! Thanks :)

  22. wow so awesome! congrats to you! you deserve every bit of it. i'm so sorry about your mom. that is such a sad story, but i can tell that you are doing her proud. keep up the good work. and glad to see you liked nyc

  23. I love the Today Show, and I love your blog. I'm kinda glad I was out of the country when you were on TV or I would have freaked out when you came on the TV and probably scared my hubby to death :) I'm so proud of you, and so glad that you are keeping up your healthy lifestyle. Thanks for inspiring me and tons of others along the way!

    1. You are far too kind. Definitely too kind. Thank you so much for the comment. And, as a side note, I might have paid for therapy if you scared your husband :)
