
Friday, July 20, 2012

A splishin' and a splashin

Today was going to be a rest day but somehow I ended up at the pool.

Wearing a swimsuit.

If any of you are from readers from my early blog days, you might remember some feeble, ill-fated attempts at swimming laps. I didn't know proper swim technique and lacked the motivation to put in the effort required to better myself. The cross-training activity was quickly replaced with strength training DVDs and yoga, and I haven't been back since.

Until today.

Before you get excited about the prospect of a triathlon and all the training updates that would go with it, I am no way ready for a three-event race. I am barely getting through each week of marathon training without adding the stress of a new sport. Today's visit to the pool and my lovely outfit came by request of someone very special.


For the past six weeks, Mark and Miles have been attending "Mommy & Me" swim sessions at the nearby high school natatorium. I have been anxious to go, and I was able to go into work early today so that I could join them for the 11 a.m. class.

It was my intention to sit on the bench and take pictures but Mark encouraged me to be the Mommy and hop in the water. At first, I thought he was being nice but by the end of the 45 minutes, I had different feelings on the subject.

The instructor prepped me for the class I entered the water, warning me that the class was more of a workout for the "Mommy" than it was the baby.

Yeah. She was right.

We started by jogging circles in the shallow end, all the while holding our children or kids we picked up off the street. We alternated which shoulder/hip that we had the baby on as we turned corners and were encouraged to bring up our knees as high as possible.

"Break the water, ladies," the instructor encouraged.

Mmm, hmm. Easy for you to say, lady, when you are holding a dummy baby that weighs a couple pounds on the edge of the pool. You are asking me to lift my 22-pound 1-year-old over my head as I do jumping jacks, skiers and lunges. To give me a break, I am supposed to push him and his soaking wet diaper in and out. The paddling with a baby, one who can't control legs on command, is a cinch, too.

I can't fault the instructor, though. She warned me: This was a workout for the parent. I'm just not sure how many parents did BODYPUMP last night.

Thankfully, the class went by relatively quickly and Miles seems to be amused, albeit mildly, by his time in the water. I think he enjoyed seeing what other people were doing and holding a rubber turtle while I worked. It's important for him to have fun with the water and have a positive association with swimming, in my opinion, so no matter how much I struggle taping tomorrow, it will be worth it.


  1. That is one of my favorite pools! Growing up, we had all of our semi-state swim meets there. I got my fastest time in my best event (5:59 for 500 freestyle...couldn't dream of going that fast now). And we would always go to Joe's Crab Shack afterwards (RIP!).

    Your suit is super cute! Miles looks as dashing as ever. I tried water aerobics for the first time 2 weeks ago and it was killer. And I wasn't even holding a baby! Bravo for that! I'm glad you are getting him acclimated to the water and having fun too.

  2. Ahh, you're a good sport. What a wonderful cross training activity for you . . . and Miles!

    And you get all kinds of cred girl . . . for posting swimsuit photos . . . you're that awesome!!! Super cute suit and look at that teeny tiny body! Your hair is adorable as well.

  3. Awe that sounds like so much fun! I love that you want Miles to have a good image of water/swimming. My husband's grandmother was actually a swim instructor in Cali. back in the day and as soon as our little one was able to get into the water she always encouraged us to make sure it was a positive thing and to make sure we never scared him with it. He's 3 1/2 now and is a fish.

  4. Kim, you look awesome! I'm glad you had fun with your adorable son. I can't believe he's already a year old! He was just a baby bump last time I saw you. I recently started a blog also, please follow! I'm tracking my progress through the Insanity 60 day challenge...
    love, Morgan!

  5. So fun! I can't wait to do a mommy & me swim class. Love the bathing suit
