
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Munchkin Munchies: Getting sneaky

My big mouth got me into trouble once this week but did I learn? Nope. No, I didn't.

Last week, I bragged that Mr. Miles was so good about eating his fruits and veggies. This week, bring on the carbs!


For breakfast, Miles had another carrot-zucchini muffin, a scrambled egg and kiwi.

Gone first? The muffin. Then the egg. And the kiwi? Well, it went to the dog.


Miles had an early lunch (cheese, corn and carrots and whole grain  bread) Wednesday because our daycare provider had something special in store.

They were going to the ball game!

Because all of the kids are part of the summer reading program at the library, they got free admission and a voucher for a hot dog, chips and drink. Mark met them at the game and tried to share the meat and lemonade but Miles was too tired.

He did have a fruit pop - orange, judging by the stains on his outfit - but the rest was for the birds. Or dad.


My little guy came home red faced but in a good mood.

And a good appetite.

He devoured the Quick Paella that I made for dinner - even the peas. I guess he's just been wanting some flavor.

Other ways to get sneak about fruits and vegetables (as I've found so far):
  • Veggie-packed meatloaf muffins
  • Pureed fruit stirred into yogurt
  • Chopped up or grated into pancakes
  • Mashed with nut butter on a sandwich
  • Dipped in organic ketchup (look for no high fructose corn syrup)
  • Add color
  • Switch bites. I sometimes do one bite of cheese, one bite of veg.
  • Banana soft serve
How do you sneak in vegetables to your kids' diets?


  1. Miles is adorable. Love the cheeks.
    I am not a mom yet - not until November and I cannot wait to let my kid sample all the different fruits and vegetables!

  2. Miles is adorable!!! OMGoodness - HOW cute is he at the baseball game!!!!! I love your lil' man!!!!!

  3. we do a lot of spinach smoothies. My daughter would eat one 3 times a day if i let her!

  4. I made up a recipe today that I'm excited to see how many ways I can sneak veggies into it. It's a chocolate muffin made with beets. It's loaded with healthy things like flax, oats, whole wheat flour, plain yogurt, eggs, and banana. My little guy told me he liked it better than the brownies I made the other day. And considering the sugar and fat amounts don't even come close, I thought that was a pretty cool statement.

    And the veggies to carbs thing? I wish someone would have told me that just the time you think you have your kid's eating habits pinned down, he changes them and you still can't predict. This is why kids must not come with manuals. We'd constantly have to be getting the updated version. =)

  5. I mix fruit into yogurt and oatmeal. Veggies are a lot harder, so I usually wind up giving him squeezable pouches with fruits and veggies mixed or I grate/puree into muffins. My kid would eat nothing but carbs if I let him!

  6. i always shred squash, zucchini & carrots into pasta sauce. I also always put frozen pureed squash or pumpkin in cheese sauces. They never even know it's there.
