
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We bought a zoo (membership)

There are moments. The first time your child looks at you. The first time he says mama. The first time he takes a step.

And then there's the first time he calls a giraffe "dog."

Struggling with how to fill the hot days this weekend, Mark and I decided to venture to the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo for Miles' first trip to the wild outdoors.

I have been excited for, like, ever to take Miles to the zoo - planning a membership, summer days spent gawking at monkeys - but my little man clearly couldn't handle it. He fell asleep on the car ride there and through a move to the stroller and a journey through Africa.

He did wake up in time to see the giraffes (and yes, he did call them dog) and make it through the Indonesian Rainforest. However, he wasn't so excited about the animals as much as checking out all the people. My little mover and shaker was so enthralled that he actually sat in the stroller most of the time.

We didn't see much else - it was getting hot (our high was 95) and I was getting hungry. But that's the perk of our zoo membership: we can entertain ourselves for an hour or two and leave without feeling guilty that we didn't wait for the monkeys to come out of hiding.

It was the perfect way to spend part of our Memorial Day weekend.


  1. So cute, my lil Indonesian Rainforester :) Sounds like an ideal plan for the summer!!!!!!

  2. I LOVE that he called the giraffe a dog!

  3. I'm so excited to take Ella to the zoo this summer. Wow, Miles says Dog!?! Ella just does momma, dadda, and that.

  4. So fun and I love the zoo! I was just thinking of doing the same thing and getting a family membership to our local zoo.

  5. I think the zoo membership has been my favorite thing to have in the summer (and winter too!) since my kids were little. I love showing up right as it opens, hanging out until someone loses their shit, and leaving just as the rush of people starts without feeling guilty. WIN! A couple years back, we did a whole "lunch with santa" bit at Christmastime which ruled, and we've also done a costumed Halloween even where we trick-or-treated from exhibit to exhibit. Lots of fun!
