
Monday, April 2, 2012

A Martian Invasion: 11.54 reasons to be excited

The last long run.

It's always the one that gives you headaches, makes you doubt months of training and has you wondering whether you just twisted your ankle on the twig the stroller kicked up.

Yesterday was that run. The run that should have scared me - especially since I went into it with no plan. With last week's 20K getting in my requisite 12-miler, I had no idea how long the run should be. I could do another 12 as it's normally what I do two weeks out. Mark suggested 10, though, and I unenthusiastically agreed. However, my awesome math skills while running (read: sarcasm) had me running 11.5. And it was 11.5 miles of confidence building for the race that's 12 days away.

And I couldn't be more excited. Here's why:

1. Mark and the boys ran 5.6 miles with me, and I I have to say they felt really good. I'm sure the weather helped - it was a perfect 40/45 degrees - but the pace was good yet restrained.

2. Even after I left Mark, the miles still felt good. I actually felt really good up until mile 9, when I had to take a detour to the Laundromat for a potty break.

3. I think I have my race day outfit figured out: tank top, Nike capris and Running Skirts arm warmers. The top half is subject to change based on weather but the Nike capris worked out really well.

4. I also have my fueling down. I think non-fruity flavors of gel work best for me so I'll be rocking the Chocolate Outrage and Peanut Butter Gus during the race.

5. There are other things figured out, as well. Cutting back on dairy is one. I think a cereal binge the night before the 20K gave me problems as did too much cheese on my fajitas Saturday. I'll also be avoiding beans (duh!) and high fiber breads.

6. I am unsure of a goal time for the race. Actually, my only goal is to feel like I did my best. However, my long runs of late have all been sub-10 minute pace. It's not where I used to be but I think a respectable time is in my future.

7. The race starts at 8:45, which will be perfect - not only because we'll get in just before the expo closes but because most have my long runs have started at this time.

8. I think being a part of a bigger race will help. I noticed that just seeing the turbo fast running store guys yesterday gave me a good surge of energy.

9. Mark and I are headed to the race ... wait for it ... sans baby. We've both had nights away from Miles but this will be the first time we've left him with someone else for the night. Nana and Papa are going to have a super good time :)

10. I saw a tweet from a super cool girl that mentioned her registering for the Martian 10K. Party in Dearborn!

11. I found a ton of Middle Eastern restaurants near the race. Hello, post-race lunch! (Note: I've had an obsession with Middle Eastern food since I went to Israel in 2001, and I don't get it very often.)

0.54. I logged nearly 100 miles last month, I've had a handful of 10+ mile runs and I hit several 20+ mile weeks. The training is there. Let's do this!


  1. You are going to do awesome! I can't wait to hear all about it! I am slightly jealous I am not doing this one, I love the martian medals! :)

  2. I love how specific you are about your training, its such helpful information for novice runners like me! Good luck and have a good time :) You've worked hard, enjoy it!

  3. Dearborn! You'll be so close to my 'hood. I had to google this race to see if it was really in Dearborn, MI! How exciting. I'm in no shape to run a half right now but I kind of want to do the 5K just for fun. Maybe! There are a TON of great Middle Eastern restaurants in Dearborn. Fun fact: Dearborn has the largest Arabic population in the United States. I hope you have a great time!

  4. So excited about your half marathon this weekend and you are gong to do awesome!!! Hope you have a great time and do your best.

  5. 100 miles, that's awesome!

  6. Holy crap - 100 miles . . .in March . . . high 5!!!!!!!

    Number 2 on your list kinda cracked me up . . . you headed to the laundromat for a potty break. Was that your choice of locations just in case you didn't make it you would be able to wash your clothes? Just kidding - sick potty humor. I'm so ashamed of myself!

    GREAT job - you're going to do sooo well.

    I hope that you can see a sub 10 pace as respectable . . . I do!

  7. Great job on your training! I've loved following along as you've made your return to running. Gives me hope for my future!

    And I hope I'm the subject of #10. I'd love to be known as "super cool", haha.
