
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saturday snapshots

134 Off for run No. 1. Don’t mind the crazy hair.

Getting ready for a second go …

Deciding that the swings are way more fun after a half-mile. Any guesses who made that decision?

158160161159Enjoying some Irish fare post-park: Lamb and Barley stew in a Guinness Bread Bowl and a Rueben 

100_2829 Fueled and ready to do some shopping at Sam’s Club. Laughing Cow Garlic & Herb wedges in bulk? Yes. Please!

164Sam’s Club steal: 16 ounces of vanilla extract for less than $7. I see some baking in my future.

165 Denali, unenthused with it all – even the diapers I got at Sam’s Club.

What does your weekend snapshot look like?


  1. Such a fun day!!!!! Hope you had fun too!!!! Poor Denali - he'll have to join us next time - ha! It was such a beautiful day!!!! The swings were definitely the highlight!

  2. seriously, Miles is getting so big! And still so cute. That picture of Denali is priceless. A look like, "really?!" Weekend is going good so far! Hope you enjoy the rest of yours :)

  3. My snap shot included a girls night out with my bestfriend. We went to have some dinner, enjoyed a drink and watched a comedy show. My weekend also included lots cooking of healthy pre-made meals for this week. :) Your baby is adorable.
