
Saturday, March 3, 2012

I'm just not that trendy


I’m eating beignets today. Or at least I hope to be. Maybe some gumbo, too. And pralines. Definitely pralines.

I will not be spending my vacation in one of the most infamous culinary cities searching for a smoothie in a bowl.

 Or steel cut oats topped with crazy nut butter and a bran muffin for good measure.

I just can’t get behind those trends. Even if they are supposed to be healthy.

 And those aren’t the only things.


You will not find me drinking a green smoothie. I'm sorry but they creep me out. I’d rather saute some spinach and add it to an egg white omelet with fruit on the side.

 You will not find me using protein powder. If I want protein, I will eat an egg … or a cow.

Flourless cookies? No thanks. I like gluten (and have no need to eliminate it from my diet).


 Chia seeds – I just don’t get them. I know they are super food but with having little taste, they just seem like a waste of calories. And, yes, I’ve read “Born to Run” … well, listened to the audiobook.

 Kombucha. Again, with the calories. If I’m going to drink them, it better be a latte.

I'm sure this list might make me unpopular. Then again, I don't think I was ever popular to start with. Hmph.

What trends do you rebel against?


  1. AAH! Have fun!! We are leaving this morning for NOLA! Good luck to you! Hope you have a great race!! :0)

  2. I don't like oatmeal that much either. I mostly eat eggs for breakfast. And although I actually do like green smoothies, I'm usually too lazy to clean the blender so I don't eat them often.

    Good luck at your race!

  3. Yes yes yes! I love you even MORE for this post :)

  4. No, this post makes you AWESOME and only provides further proof that we are sisters in some other life. The only things I would disagree with you on are chia seeds and protein powder. But that's because I eat too many Oreos and need to balance that out someplace.

    I generally rebel against vegetables. And milk. Milk is so, so gross.

  5. omg, that is why I love you! I despise chia seeds. Even though I like oatmeal, I don't care if they're steel cut and would never make overnight oats. I like green smoothies, but I love normal smoothies so much more. Bran muffins are barf-errific. Basically, I love this list. hooray for not fitting the 'cookie cutter' mold!

  6. it's nice to remember you can lose weight and be healthy without switching to a diet consisting totally of protein smoothies and gluten free everything. is it bad that i'm just too lazy to wash the blender every day to make myself a daily smoothie?

  7. I laughed out loud reading this. I have to say I roll my eyes every time I read those things on these "healthy living blogs." There is nothing healthy about severally limiting your food. I'm sorry but a smoothy is not a meal for me.

    My mouth is watering just thinking about the amazing food we had in New Orleans. Enjoy those beignets and gumbo!

  8. Love this! I think the same thing when I read health/fitness blogs. Although almond butter is liquid crack...

  9. We actually really love Kombucha (the cranberry flavor is zingy and delicious) but HOLY MOTHER it is expensive, so Dave and I will both buy a bottle and make it last all week.

    I can't wait to hear about your trip. I hope you're having a BALL!

  10. Hope you are indeed soaking up all of the culinary delights that NOLA is known for! Enjoy every bite (and sip . . . of course!). Hope you and your BFF are having a BLAST!

    Missed you this morning - went to Anastasia's in your honor. Then to Meijer where I stocked up on "gettting back on track" foods!

    Umm - well, I hadn't really heard of half of the "trends" you mentioned so I guess I too am rebelling against those. I'm not exactly embracing yoga like it appears most of the blogosphere is.

  11. I am SO with you on this. Thank you.

  12. If you like oysters, make sure you go to Drago's, they are the best. The trend I can't stand is bacon ice cream, cupcakes, etc. Don't put bacon in my dessert!

  13. Love this and feel the EXACT same way :). So jealous that you are eating beignets in NO! I always love eating the local food whenever I travel and never deny myself. I am against diet food, if I'm going to eat a cookie it better have butter and fat in it.

  14. haha I rebel against most food trends. there is no problem with my diet and I refuse to pretend I'm into something just because others say I should be ;)
