
Friday, March 9, 2012

Disaster relief (+ giveaway)

I did everything wrong in New Orleans. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

I got little to no sleep. I ate untested foods before the race. I didn't need to go to the bathroom before the race. I tried a new-to-me fuel. I wore multiple items of new clothing.

While there wasn't much I could do about the sleep (stupid drunk frat guys), I could do something about the rest - and I should have as a somewhat experienced racer. However, looking back, I'm pretty sure I lucked out.

Running Skirt. We were going to be twinkies. Twinkies in the matching running skirts Pattie purchased us from

As great as the idea sounded, the reality was much different. We were both a bit self conscious about the fit of the skirt and were fearful of what it would be like to wear it on race day. While confidence was the only thing that would truly help, Pattie thought if we were able to go a size up (even though I already had) that it might be better. She called customer service to see if they would have the skirts at the expo so we could exchange them. No dice. The mums were being discontinued and sizes were limited in the warehouse - and they definitely wouldn't be at the expo. However, the lovely service rep offered to Fed Ex us athletic versions of the skirt to our NOLA hotel. At no charge.

Since the skirts have compression shorts underneath (ours were yellow - like a ray of sunshine) and are a bit longer, I decided not to (Body) Glide. I figured I would be fine. I figured wrong. The shorts rode up even on the walk to the start line and I had a good bit of chafing by the time I handed over the baton. I was lucky that a little post-race Body Glide, I felt OK but I'm not so sure I'll be doing that again.

I'm also not so sure I'll be running distances in the skirt. I think it will be great for a fun 5K (maybe this summer's Diva Dash) but otherwise, I'll be sticking to Tempo Shorts. However, I will not trash the Running Skirt folks because they went above and beyond for us. Those ladies are classy!

Zensah. Leg sleeves - everyone has them. Up until NOLA, I had been a devotee of Recovery Socks but I couldn't help but be lured by the bright colors and patterns offered by Zensah. The fact that I could wear traditional running socks with the sleeves only piqued my interest more. I ended up with a yellow pair to match my little ray of sunshine mum skirt in small/medium, and I wore them during the race. Thankfully, they didn't give me any issues like the skirt. In fact, I practically forgot I had them on during the race (as a Zensah rep said).

See the Gu there, in my hand? P.S. I cropped the hell out of this photo so you don't have to see my extra skin. Seriously, I need to wear capris to a race so I can have at least one good photo.

Peanut Butter Gu. Holy mother of God. This stuff is good. So good. I carried the packet in my hand and by the time I took it at the 5K mark it was warm and easily extracted into my mouth. I felt like I was ingesting melted peanut butter. I'm pretty sure I wasn't but still ... I think I might be putting this on my pre-run bananas.

By the way, I had a feeling I would like the PB Gu so I picked up a few extra at the expo ... for you. Since you've put up with NOLA post after NOLA post, I have a giveaway for you.

*Assortment of Gu, including PB and Island Nectars Roctane.
*Biscoff spread (I keep seeing all this crap about it and since I finally decided to try it, I thought you could too)
*A copy of "Chicken Soup for the Soul: Runners edition"
*Brooks Printed Mesh Cap (in white/carrot)
*And anything else I decide to throw in. (I promise not to ship Miles, even though he has been up at 4:45 every morning this week.)

To enter giveaway, tell me in the comments section what item that you can't head to the starting line without.

Giveaway will end Friday, March 16 and the winner (picked via will be announced March 17. Entries from anonymous commenters will not be accepted.


  1. I can't head to the starting line without some sort of fuel no matter how long (or short) the race, I love using GU!

  2. I could not head to the start line without my Spibelt. I have the double pocket one and it's perfect for holding my iPod. I hate the arm sleeves that hold iPod's. It's SO much easier to just unzip my belt and deal with my music. By the way, you may have had to crop the crap out of that picture, but your arms look HELLA strong!! I too love running skirts and yet my legs always look AWFUL in pictures. I read in "Run Like a Mother" that a trick to great race photos is getting a spray tan. It evens out the dimples that aren't even normally there! I plan on giving that a try at my next race. P.S. I loved all the recap posts!

  3. spray tan - what a great idea!! I thought about tanning prior to the race but never followed through. next time, we tan!!

  4. You've already read my post today, but I'll reiterate that I can't race without music. I need someone in my ears tell me to pick it up when I slow down!

  5. I've never run a race so I can't say. I am running one St. Paddy's day though, so I hope I have everything I need!

  6. Music for sure! I can't use those small bud things I need the headphones that wrap around the whole ear or head so they won't move.

    I am so damn curious about that Biscoff spread! I've been seeing it everywhere. I think I may need it.

    Love your blog! You're so inspring, funny and (seem like an) all around honest and genuine person. Thanks for the great reads :}

  7. I'm running my first 10-miler tomorrow. I won't start without my pre-run oatmeal and coffee!

  8. I wouldn't be able to get to the start line without an english muffin with peanut butter and honey. Oh man that sounds so good to me right now.

  9. I must have chapstick and body glide at the starting line :)

  10. It seems the list is long: chapstick, music, SPI belt (because I cannot run with anything in my hands), and my swiftwick socks!

  11. Not sure if your giveaway is open to Canadians, if not ignore this comment. I need my visor, it keeps my hair off my face and neck and shades my eyes and I must have my Burt's Bee's lip balm...I may be a bit addicted to that stuff

  12. lol, the one thing I can't get to the start line without - a chair!! I'm not at the running races stage yet, but I like to go and be a part of it! Working up to a few 5ks this spring, trying to lose weight (you're a great inspiration!) and working on myself!

  13. I can't get to the start line without good tunes! I can't stand running without any music. Drives. Me. Crazy!

  14. For me it's all about the right music. I have to have them so that I can get my running rhythm going!

  15. A headband. I can't stand to have my hair in my face!!

  16. For a short race I can get by without much. For a "long race" I need my ipod and during the summer when I am wearing shorts/skirts - body glide!

  17. I am running my first race in May but it is only a 5K. I guess my running tights will be my must needed item!

  18. There are just soooooo many essential things I couldn't possibly do a race without (body glide -ummm, that's why I own like 8 tubes , water, gum - the blue kind of course, fuel, belt like my spi or ifitness or big ol' dual bottle carrier, camera - oh year that's nearly the top of the list as far as essentials go, interval timer, ipod or friend - either one, but one or the other is absolutely critical, and kleenex). Above all those - my watch is THE most important thing. I forgot it once when going to a race 2 hours away so I stopped at Target in the race town and darted in quickly to pick up one. I could NEVER do a race without a watch (well, I guess maybe if there were running race clocks at every mile I might be able to, but no the anxiety would kill me).

  19. Holy Moly Peanut Butter GU!! This I must try! So sorry you had a bad running skirts experience but I'm glad that the lovely ladies at RS were able to help you out!! I totally missed seeing you at NOLA! Next time we should try to meet up!! :0) Congrats again on the race!
    The one item I cannot start a race without is my camera. Crazy, I know - but I love to take pictures while I am running. Helps the time go by faster! :0)

  20. I don't normally enter giveaways but had to do so because I loved this post. It made my day My race essential is capris, otherwise my thighs might catch on fire.

    And please don't send Miles. I already have a sleepless toddler :)

  21. Peanut Butter Gu exists? I had no idea!

    My race essential is probably my ipod.

  22. :) fun!

    My must have are shorts that don't ride up! That bugs me. And the crowd on race day really gets me psyched. So much energy!

    I did have gu envy last wknd at the 10k training run in Indy!

    Essentials for my 7 miler today...capris, music and a self set up water break. 9 minute miles! Yay! Great run!

  23. Hmmm, my essentials (got to have more than one) has got to be my running capris/tights and my music. Sometimes the music can be the difference between an alright run and a great run. Sometimes, the idea of putting on headphones and hearing my tunes for an hour and a half is the best motivation to get me out the door and away from my 3 crazy children.

    Congrats on NOLA! You were (are) awesome!

  24. If we are getting down to the basics I am going to say my most supportive sports bra. There is no way I would run any kind of distance without it. My word, my chest is already saggy enough after 3 kids and weight gain and loss. It would also be a crime to see me running without support! Okay enough about my chest I can't wait to try the new PB GU flavor!

  25. I can't race without my Spibelt! What else would I carry my Gu in?

  26. I would go with Chapstick. And myipod.

  27. I can't head to the start line without a good pair of socks. I pretty much can race any way but regret it sometimes :). Socks make all the difference to me.

  28. I have only done one 5k race so fast, but I would say I can not start without my iPod. I need my music.

  29. I have only done one 5k race so fast, but I would say I can not start without my iPod. I need my music.

  30. My watch. It's just a cheap one from Wal-Mart or Target (I've had it so long I can't remember) but it's what keeps me sane while I'm out running.

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  33. My watch and some sort of fuel. I usually eat Gu and I had no idea they have a peanut butter flavor. So all over that one as an addiction to peanut butter is taken the place of my addiction to sweets.

  34. I have not done any races, but I could not live w/o body glide. I would be a whiny child if I had run without it and suffer the consequences later!

  35. I always go running with my watch and my music. My upcoming races I think I'll skip the ipod though so that I can really enjoy everything around me. We'll see how it goes!

  36. The number one thing would be the right mindset. I believe that if your mind is strong then your body is pretty much going to follow. BUT as far as a material thing it would have to be music which ultimately kind of gets your mind in the right place. :) Love your post. You are very funny.
