
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Weekend discoveries

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Chobani bites Fig with Orange Zest. I've been antsy to try the flavor since I saw the social media explosion about Chobani's new flavors a few weeks ago. I didn't think I'd find it - ever- in my grocery store but I checked out the company's product finder and lo and behold, the Fig with Orange Zest flavor was available at a nearby Walmart. The same Walmart that sells tripe and pig neck bones but whatevs. Let me tell you, this flavor is delicious. Like, beyond my wildest dreams delicious. I am considering taking my allowance (yes, I get one) to stock up as to not blow the grocery budget.

Squat lunge. Somehow, know matter how much I listen to the music, I inevitably eff up one track during BODYPUMP. Sometimes it's small, others more noticeable. This week, I tried to start track 7 with squats instead of lunges and missed the upright rows in shoulders (more push presses, y'all!). Arg. Thankfully, I think, the participants are cool. A good reminder I need to practice more during the week.

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Pat the penguin. There is nothing cuter than a dad reading to his kid. Nothing.

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Future triathlete. Mark wanted to stop at our local bike shop, and we made a detour after buying a dishwasher. (Side note: We are counting the days until it's installed after going five months without one.) We wanted to check prices on bike trailers but our attention was quickly diverted to tricycles. Miles saw the bike and ran through the store, swung his legs over and started "riding" it. He couldn't reach the pedals but could move Flinstone style and was fairly adept at steering. After 10 minutes, we pulled him off and instigated a complete tantrum. Probably didn't help that he went the weekend nap-free.

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Book it club. When your child decides to go nap free, the library and its playroom is your best friend. Even the sheep.


The winner of the Alexia Foods giveaway is Holly Higgins. Email me (hlthystrides at gmail dot com) your most personal details, or your address + phone number, and I'll get it passed along to the rep.


  1. That's cool that you can search by product. I didn't realize that. Apparently, they don't sell the fig one by me at all, but they sell the caramel and raspberry. Kinda weird! People in Atlanta like figs too.

  2. I haven't tried the fig flavor - but the pear is my new favorite!

  3. That's me! Just emailed you. :-)
    And, I totally feel you on the no nap thing. My two year old went without a nap yesterday and man, we were all so ready for bedtime!

  4. Get him a trike, but also get him a balance bike (e.g. Strider or Skuut). We started our kids on them at age 2 and within a few months they could zoom around as fast as on a bike with pedals. HUGE bonus -- when you do put them on a regular bike, they know how to balance and just go pedaling off. No training wheels. Little guy was riding a bike at 4 1/2. Would have been sooner but he never rode the trike so he didn't know how to pedal!

  5. Incidentally, having no dishwasher is one of the reasons I don't cook many things. I'm jealous.

    I would try the Chobani Bites but it's 2.99 a container at my grocery store. I don't want to try it that badly. #cheapass

  6. I just ate the chobani bites with Pineapple & Caramel. Sooo good. I have yet to try the fig and can't wait! Go Miles Go
